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The Greatest Toenail Fungus Home Remedies 

Utilizing toenail fungus home remedies can be the best option for many people looking to treat this problem. Both creams and medication can be extremely expensive and surgery can be a hassle if you don’t feel like dealing with the pain and a large medical bill. Here are some of the best remedies that have been reported to work quite well with people. 

Vinegar or Listerine 

Many people have found that an easy way to treat fungus on their toenails is by placing their foot in a large bowl of vinegar for ten to fifteen minutes. While this may sound like an odd procedure, many people swear that it works quite well! It seems the main idea behind this remedy is that your foot’s fungi require a certain pH level to continue growing. When your foot is placed in highly acidic vinegar, your skin’s pH level is disrupted, which should halt the additional fungi from growing. An alternate route to take with this method is to take a cotton ball, put some vinegar on it, and keep the cotton ball on your affected toes for around twenty minutes. By doing this, fungi will still be killed off, but your feet won’t lose any moisture from being soaked in an entire bowl of vinegar. Listerine also works with this method quite successfully. 

Vick’s Vapor Rub 

Vick’s Vapor Rub is another popular remedy that people use and they do so by simply rubbing it all over their effective toes. Most people are unsure why this remedy actually works, but what’s important is that it works and improvement can be seen within days of treatment! Always make sure to cover the nail along with the rest of the area surrounding the toe to kill off any and all fungi and make sure to rub it into the skin and nail well. 

Tea Tree Oil 

Tea Tree Oil is another favorite natural remedy, as it is a natural antiseptic and fungicide. To first partake in this procedure, add undiluted tea tree oil with a little bit of olive oil to the affected toenail. Allow this mixture to remain on your nails for 10-15 minutes and then scrub with a toothbrush. By scrubbing with a toothbrush, you are essentially removing the top layer of the nail, which contains the largest amounts of fungus. 

These are some of the best toenail fungus home remedies to use and all have been reported as being very successful at removing fungus from people’s toes. These options are way cheaper than using anything over-the-counter or bought in a store and although they may be somewhat odd, they are easy to try out.

I'm a foot health expert devoted to eliminating toenail fungus. Check out my Website at