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My Princes




Hey baby, I love you and I miss you. Today I woke up late again. My hairs not parted = (. I know I’m sorry, really. I’ll go home today and do it just for you. It looks gross though, why do you even like it? Any way I’ve been thinking a lot about us. I don’t like to think of before without you, but it sucks when I do. I love you and all, hehe but I like you to myself. I’m gonna make you fall in love with me, I like to think more than you are. (= >).  Okay well your beautiful to me and I don’t want to live without you. Ever. I can’t wait till Danzig and HIM and that’s honestly because I know ill be with you the whole days = ). I miss you and you’re mine. I’m not letting you go. I’m holding on tight. Oh and…and baby im with you =)