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What are varicose veins?

Varicose Veins are large and twisted veins usually found on the lower half of people's legs. While most often located on the legs, varicose veins can be found on other parts of the body. There are valves inside your veins that allow the blood to flow up and down seamlessly. When the valves no longer work properly you can expect to see varicose veins form in your legs. Once the valves no longer help the blood flow up and down the leg, the veins twist and the blood pools inside of the veins which is why varicose veins bulge out of the skin and have a twisted looking effect.

Varicose Vein Treatments

While many people don't know, there are treatments available to manage varicose veins. There are multiple non-surgical options available for treatment. While many people turn to treatments like elastic stockings, and leg elevation there are actually better, more effective treatments available. Endovenous Laser Treatment is one of the most popular options for treating the veins.

Endovenous Laser Treatment

While vein stripping used to be a go to method, EVLT is much less invasive and more simple to recover from making EVLT today's most popular method for treating varicose veins. EVLT is preformed right inside of most doctor's offices and is very easy to recover from afterwards. During the procedure a small fiber is ran through your veins to help the blood flow back out of where it is pooled and relocate to deeper veins that can handle the increase in blood flow. Eventually, the body's tissue will absorb the old varicose vein and it will disappear forever.

Before and Afters