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Are you a tobacco cigarette smoker and worried about your health risk? Well, leave your worries of your health by using electronic cigarette. It is an alternative option of this tobacco smoking as it has very less health issues and cheaper compared to them. The tobacco cigarette contains large number of the nicotine which is highly dangerous to the health condition. Another dangerous ingredient that a tobacco cigarette has is the carbon monoxide which damages the respiratory organs of the person. Though knowing all these things some people cannot quit smoking, in that case they can go for the e cigarette which is made up of less health issues. It does not contain any toxins and cancer causing substance as it is an electrical product. You use these electronic cigarettes for more than one time by charging them with the help of battery available for that in the market. There are various brands available where you can choose the one that desires you. You also can get more information about the electronic cigarette from the e cigarette reviews. The electronic cigarette avoids all type of side effects that are caused by the tobacco smoking. They will help you to get rid of that nasty ash smell that comes while smoking. You can refill the cartridge with the flavors you desire and can dispose after certain usage. Though there are various number of products, v2 cigs and green smoke are considered to be the best electronic cigarette 2012 for its best quality and the features.