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The bitch teacher sacked. But who would,

Is God's, not mine, I have forgiven. That despicable misleader, that slimy squirmy abject, he will be given his anatomy, he will be paid in full for his two holes. I say there shall be no more holes. There can be no absolution for his monstrous sacrilege. I have the doll, what a doll, and I already amuse myself, just a touch of humour allowed since we have refrained so long, by anticipating what will follow his excommunication from imobiliare bucuresti the church, imobiliare bucuresti if he ever walks out of the hospital, I have forgiven him, and I pray for him, but there is yet God's vengeance. So it is not extravagant to imagine that in the case of this seditious wretch the outer appearance will be eventually transmuted by the fetid inner corruption, aided of course by my spell, which is my obligation. And some day, if he has left that hospital, one may be mystified to see him transmogrified on the spot into a foul glazy-eyed toad. Serpent is of course too dignified for him, though it is not flippant bitterness to imagine an amphibian, a natterjack, with white asymmetrical legs, especially since these legs have already been lengthened imobiliare by the split in his crotch. And all compassed without my lifting a hand, hardly that is apart from the rites which you couldn't understand anyhow. And now, with a more relentless intent, I am moved also to think of himin this respect, of him, that shameful pathetic weakling who must groan under the greatest weight of guilt. His is the ultimate responsibility for my plight, temporary though it was. Oh the thorn in the side, the nigger in the woodpile, these figures are too flippant for his pitiless tormenting, google and else, worse than the hidden lingering canker of the crippled tramps, the poltergeist. I tell you again I would take up all the St Anthony crosses, were they numbered as the crosses on every unnamed grave in all the paupers' patches of the earth, and smash each to matchwood smithereens on the nastiest foulest bedstead at the bottom of the Frederick Street drop. Damn him! Damn him! Try it, he said, try it, it's very pleasant. Oh yes, very pleasant is imobiliare bucuresti Frederick Street (I pray for that bomb). And plenty of girls. Plenty of them alright. And I had tried it, and imobiliare was betrayed by gaudy wasteful dalliance. Did you, presumptuous fool, imobiliare bucuresti think to have my continuing friendship, you that dared speak of shortcomings in me, in me! (The raven wheels again). It was more than a poke in the ribs you got, wasn't it, 'pal', when you crawled back that final time with your sickening apologetic wheezing! The foolish shall not stand in thy sight. The face of the Lord, not mine, is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. Let the lying lips be put to silence. Let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave. There were all the prophecies standing full blown, I ought to have known it'd be so inevitably. I did know. Brandy could not have revived him, as it incenses me so potent a spirit is it. But yet again, my new word, which is forgiveness, and so I personally forgive him yes, even him can you believe! True it was imobiliare bucuresti my new iron hand, which I can't wear again till the beautiful running sores heal, which sent him to hospital after the crack like dry sticks near the rails of Frederick Street. But the rest, which is silence, was retribution through