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This is the story thus far

This is the Old Story

Deckard, a warrior from the forests on Gemini met up with Erucolindo, a Eldarin from the Pine Region on Libra when the Triad called to them and warned them about the influences of the Sorcerer.

With a warning about the upcoming disaster, the two new comrades trek east in hopes of finding heroes to help them on their quest. After days of traveling, they notice the town that they came from was destroyed by the sorcerer's men and so they traveled a bit swifter to learn to stop him. Within a few weeks, they entered the Swamps of H'rai where they followed a Will'o'wisp to the Moogle village. Not really interested in the Moogles, they were conviently lead out of the fog by Ringokupo, the village genius.

Traveling east, they crossed the plains and ignored the trapdoor they passed that they should've gone down and met the Synthesist. After gaining valuable infrmation on the Talisman of Champions and getting crackers, they pair headed east to the river.

Trying to swim across was a bit hazardous. They both made it 3/4 of the way when Deckard couldn't take it anymore and the current was too strong for Erucolindo. Fortunately, Eru Fey stepped to the shore allowing Deckard to pass out and float down river.

Attempting to be ingeinous, our mage friend threw the cracker down river from Deckard. The food (while great) was not enough to block a river. However, after a good km, Deckard woke and managed to grab a floating gourd and melon and swim to the side.

Now virtually nude, Deckard headed south to find his pack.

They come across a fishing town and got a ride back across the river. As luck would have it, the backpack washed ashore in the village and he was able to get his gear back, save for his shield. Deciding he needed one to go on, the two searched the town for one that had a shield. This led to a confrontation with he whom everyone calls the Crazy Mage.

After incidence of setting the floor on fire, creating an insanely powerful enemy to appear, asking for a buckler and receieving a buck, becoming one person, splitting back and turning green, jumping into a mirrored room, turning back to the origional color, Deckard got smart and was able to get his shield. As his luck would take him, he ended up in the ruins of a desert temple on the planet Libra.

Session 2

As they enter the temple, they notice that the roof has completely been blown off. The giant single room is empty and at the back, through a make-shift door, they see light. Deckard slowly approaches and heres some gutteral sounds. Eru, being the curious one, tells him he wants to hear, too, and does a bang up job alerting the enemy on the other side.

The fight breaks out against four orcs. Eru burns and pisses one of the orcs off while Deckard makes a great swing with his new Claymore and spills orc viscera all over the place. As Eru takes on an orc solo, Deckard tries to run and fight, slipping in the viscera and going a bit farther than anticipated. The orc intended to kill him runs headlong into his shield (and in agitation decides to attack the shield instead of the man holding it). With the finishing blow cast by an amazing team effort, the duo claims a few weapons and possessions and then goes around the corner to inspect the campfire. Deckard picks up a strange silver leaf and picks a strange glowing jewel out of the fire that stops glowing after exiting the heat.

Not knowing what either of them were, Deckard decides to go to sleep while Eru goes around the temple looking for clues as to it's purpose. His inspection pans out when he notices writing on the walls, some of which identifies this temple as a religious relic. After keen observation, he also notices a pattern on the floor he didn't notice before. Finding the center, the area starts to glow. Deckard wakes confused and takes out the previously glowing gem and realizes it's glowing again. He joins Eru in the middle and a pillar of green/teal light bursts from the gem.

Before them appears a shape of a Winged Elf that claims to be an Avatar. He alerts them that this is an old temple of Athella, the Goddess of the Moon. He tells them that the shard they seek is due east in an oasis. When they ask for a blessing, he grants one. So long as they are in that particular desert, the weather will not affect them at night.

Thanking the Avatar, they head east. After 3 weeks of traveling and running out of food and water, they happen upon a dwarven priest from Cancer named Doth. The dwarf kindly shares his rations and water with them and builds a shelter in a nearby dune. After a conversation, they realize they have the same goal. Doth tells that it came to him "in his head" that he would meet a duo looking for the shard and to join them. If that wasn't enough, they once again met the Synthesist who gave them more crackers and split the Gem of Hel'egana so that Doth can have people join.

Two days later they reach the oasis. They make note of the strange shape of the trees existing in a perfect circle with the pond directly in the center and a boulder directly in the center of that. Upon closer examination, Deckard notices an opening in the bottom of the pond under the boulder that he can't seem to get into due to some magical force. After days of trying the most random things possible, they realize that the only thing they needed to do to get into the opening was to go together. A dragon awaited them inside and queried as to their intent. After being as satisfied as he likely would be, he left and let them have the shard. Once taken, the water current changed and they were able to go up the waterfall and out.

And that is where we begin...