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Hookah bars have become increasingly popular over the last few years. People over the legal age of eighteen in most states are only allowed in the establishments. Hookah bars are also commonly known as lounges. Young people that are in college or who want to have a night out with friends tend to go to hookah bars to socialize and smoke out of a hookah pipe. People typically sit at a rounded table with a group that shares hoses from the hookah pipe. A good hookah bar carries many different flavors to hookah, and many tables for people to come with their friends. It also should have well trained staff that knows about each type of hookah that they are selling and providing for customers.

There are many people that have smoked cigarettes in the past and now cannot stand the smell. Hookah gives off a fruity and fresher smell than cigarettes do. It also has less risk of staining your teeth than other types of smoking. Hookah coals are used during the process of smoking. There are four different types of charcoal that are available to hookah users today. The quick light charcoal is the most common kind in the US. They are very easy to light and are quick to use. These coals should be lit in a ventilated area, because of the smoke and smell that they give off.

Another type of coals used at hookah bars is natural wood. These coals require more time to prepare, and take longer to heat up. A stove or hot plate is the best option for heating these. Processed natural coal is known as charcoal fingers. They are not completely natural, but originate from the Middle East. The last type of coal that is used at hookah bars is the silver or Japanese kind. It originated in Japan and has a silver coating. Each hookah bar has their own regulations and types of coals that they choose to provide in their establishment.

Many people that go to a hookah bar also enjoy belly dancing. Belly dancing comes from the Middle East. It is commonly done at weddings and social events. It has been around since the 1800′s and is continuing to become more popular all over the world today. It is one of the oldest forms of dancing and many people say that it originated to entertain men, but that is not the case. People of both genders can enjoy the fun and entertaining factor of belly dancing.

Hookah bars and lounges are a great place to host parties, social events, or just to come hangout with friends and family. Even if you do not smoke hookah, it can still be fun to watch others. People can experiment with different flavors of hookah too see what they like. It is an affordable and fun way to spend a night out. Many people share the tab when it comes to smoking hookah at a bar. It is cheaper and you can get more for your money. Finding a hookah bar around where you live can be very simple with the use of the Internet.
