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It is a tough time for anyone when a person decides to buy a used car. There are many factors to take into consideration when buying a used car. It is a big decision and it is important that a person should buy the used car at the best time. So, when is the best time to buy a used car? There is not a particular time but one should consider some important factors. 

It is important to know your budget. You should buy a car when you have enough funds available in your account. It is not recommended to take a loan for buying a used car. You can contact used cars Sherwood Park for getting the best deal. 

If you are spending more money on the repairs of your present car, then you should consider buying another car. If you are facing a lot of problems with the engine of your car, you should plan on replacing the car.

If it is becoming difficult for you to maintain your old car then you should consider buying another car and that is a used car. It is not fair to spend money on buying a new car. It is wastage of money as the value of your new car depreciates as soon as it comes on the road. 

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