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This book was published on March 5, 2008 (ISBN-13: 9783836439404; VDM Verlag Dr. Muller).  It is a commerical publication of a doctoral dissertation and is the first model for a global United Order.  Implementation of this political-economic system (or one similar to it) could potentially eliminate global poverty, abolish elitism, and do away with all economic classes.  This global United Order model is founded upon principles of theodemocracy, consecration, and stewardship.  The theme of the model includes the premise that "it is not meant that any man possess more than another" and advocates "circumstantial equality" based on "just" desires and needs.  The book includes nine chapters:


(1) Introduction

(2) Literature Review

(3) The Model  

(4) Motivation

(5) Decision Making

(6) Equality and Property Relations

(7) Planning

(8) Economic Growth and Development

(9) Conclusion


To give you an idea what the book is about, Chapter 9 (in its entirety), has been posted under the CHAPTER 9 tab (located above).  You may also review what others have to say about the book under the BOOK REVIEWS tab. 


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