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Experiment 001539-Omega-B
Subjects Name: Leto
Race: Genetically Engineered Human
Age: 16-ish
Eye color: Emerald Green
Hair color: Twilight Purple
Occupation: espionage
Family: Unknown
Possessions: A necklace made from black silk with a blood red crystal pendant, which can not be removed the purpose of this item is still unknown.

Subject data options
1. Subject's research log
2. Combat conditioning
3. Subject's technological conditioning
4. Creator's notes
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Accessing research log...

Data corrupted at this time...
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Subject data options
1. Subject's research log
2. Combat conditioning
3. Subject's technological conditioning
4. Creator's notes

You have chosen option 2


File accessed...

Subject 001539-Omega-B combat condition profile

Log 01 - Subject has started to be trained in the arts of stealth and survival. This will include gorilla combat, tracking and back ally killing styles.

Log 02 - Subject has shown amazing capability in speed though requires further limb strengthen in arms.

Log 03 - training in the following weapons has commenced:
Straight Katana

The subject shows greater skill in hand to hand combat and oriental weaponry, though gauntlets have been provided to try and increases arm strength

Log 04 - increment in certain skills will now start using further gene enzymes and external enchantment equipment.

Skill 1-
Subject has been fitted with the chameleon pendent to reflect light and make her near invisible to the naked eye. She has shown apt skill with this device though still in testing phase it is a limited use object. Following this we have started the subject on further ninjutsu courses and assassin skills to allow full night time travel

Skill 2 -
Subject has been given a growth enzyme to strengthen her leg muscles, added with breathing coach she can now run and swim at a near inhuman pace. This therapy has caused minor headaches which are abiding in time. She is improving in speed with alarming time and will continue to monitor.

Skill 3 -
The subject has been trained in the new beta version of the hyper healing supplement. We have tested this new ability by various cuttings on the form and recording how long it will take. So far we have restrained from lethal damage till further tests have been confirmed.

Skill 4 -
Started subject on agent to awaken latent skills; This has been commenced via a gymnastic course to improve overall body flexibility and worked into various parts of the subject ninjutsu in the hopes to save time and complete testing. The subject has taken to this form of exercise with strange enthusiasm, will monitor further reactions...

Subject data options
1. Subject's research log
2. Combat conditioning
3. Subject's technological conditioning
4. Creator's notes

You have chosen option 4


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