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Fan Mail

I got sent this one by some degenerate who wanted to scare me. If your going to kill someone surely you won't flaunt your intentions on the web. Anyway this idiot did. Read below.

14th June 2009 This is a personal message for you. I'd just like you to know you haven't got much longer to live in this world. This is for you, you pig. Well I'm gonna tell you what, you can cut your own throat by saying the crap you do. Because as far as I'm concerned you can go jump in a lake, and by god is there gonna be a lot of trouble. Cold hard bastards are gonna come after you. I hate your guts. I really bloody well am gonna cause so much trouble, you ain't shit, you're gonna be really well done over. Just wait for the doorbell to ring at night.

From gallonsofmilk on youtube.