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Taking your vehicle for any yearly MOT test is really a legal dependence on all vehicles in the united kingdom. The MOT ensures the car is roadworthy and safe for yourself as well as other drivers on the road, alongside making sure a secure amount of exhaust emissions receive off from the car. Lots of people know they have to take their vehicle for any MOT annually, but they don't understand a history behind the test. Please continue reading to find out a history and introduction with the MOT test to all or any UK vehicle drivers.



Going entirely back to the 1950's, this is the time in the event it became apparent that lots of vehicles of all sizes and shapes were becoming un-roadworthy and dangerous. It absolutely was noticeable that because the vehicles clocked up more mileage, the harder dangerous the automobile was. Because of this discovery inside the safety of the cars, in 1960 the Minister of Transport, Ernest Marples, create a system that involved all vehicles over 10 years old to get some rudimentary safety checks performed every year. The checks included considering elements including the lights, steering and brakes. It was named the Ministry of Transport test (or the way we now understand it, because the MOT test), but during the time people accustomed to refer to it as the ten year test.

As time passed from the test gradually became better and thorough, as well as in 1967 the rules stated that cars over 3 years old necessary to come with an MOT. Considering an existing day MOT there's no question simply how much the test has changed, as now we glance at more complicated elements for example:

- Exhaust emissions

- ABS (Anti-braking System)

- Brake fluid

- Power steering

- Suspension

- The vehicle identification number

- And much more!

As cars have become more complex over time, moving forward in the classic Austin Mini for the modern day Vauxhall Insignia's, the test has progressed equally as these cars have. Modern cars now include power steering, advanced braking systems, tinted windows and even more, but during the 1960's cars did not have many of these features. Therefore, to avoid any safety problems occurring with these extra features within cars, the MOT test checks on the main elements. It really is a lot more than simple to state that the MOT test has evolved massively since it's introduction inside the 1960's! Get booked in, there are already done this this season, it might save you lots of cash in the long term. - GARAGE