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Different Types of Pianos

Pianos consist of different types and sizes. But broadly they are categorized into three different types that is vertical, horizontal and Electronic Pianos:

  • Vertical Pianos: These pianos are classified as vertical due to the position of and the height of the 1393585584strings of the piano. Other name of vertical pianos is upright. They are comparatively affordable and have more compactness along with warm sound produced by them. The soundboard in these pianos is vertical, the strings and dampers are stretched downward. These pianos are more popular then grand pianos due to their affordability although they lack in quality to grand pianos. Upright are further classified as follows:

Spinet Type: it is comparatively smaller piano and is more popular among the individual living in a limited space. They lack in quality due to their construction and size.

Console Type: Console is better in quality than that of spinet pianos. It is because they have a direct action which produces a comparatively enhanced tone.

Studio Type: This is the piano which is mostly used in Music Lessons howick academies and schools. It is of larger size, both the strings and the soundboard are large which produces better quality of sound than others.

Full size Piano: The other name of full size piano is professional piano. It produces the greatest tone among all vertical pianos.

  • Grand Pianos: Grand Pinaos are known as horizontal pianos. They are comparatively largest and are most expensive than other types. The soundboard of this piano is situated in an open platform that is lifted towards the left facing upward direction. The location of dampers in this piano is on the top of the strings close to the hammer. These pianos have standard 88 keys. They are further classified as follows:

Petite Grand:  it is the smallest piano among all the horizontal piano but it is still regarded as a powerful piano in terms of quality of its sound.

Baby Grand: it is a famous type of piano among the horizontal pianos and this popularity is due to the quality of the sound along with its affordability.

Concert Grand: it is regarded as the largest form of piano among all and it is because of its majestic size.

The other types of pianos which come in category of horizontal piano are as follows:

Living room piano which is also known as Parlor or medium grand type. Ballroom Pianos are also a type of horizontal piano.

Electric Pianos: This type of piano is most common among the beginners. Electric pianos are mostly affordable but the quality of sound is not very great. This piano is good for those who are looking for replica of acoustic and trying to save money. They have connectors for pedls and computer interactive abilities. Electric pianos don’t need to be toned and are becoming more famous among modern bands. One great advantage of these pianos is to allow users to work with headphones silently without disturbing other people.