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Is your irrigation system prepared for dry weather circumstances? Is your lawn distress brown spots or mucky, muddy, and soaked areas that won’t dry out? Do you have a geyser from an out of working sprinkler head? Or maybe your rain antenna is not working and you keep searching your system running during the rain? Whatever the matter might be, whether it is an emergency Highland Park Sprinkler Repair require, maintenance, or a general system alteration, we are your best option for Texas irrigation system repair. The most common lawn sprinkler repairs and adjustment include but are not limited to: - Sprinkler head repair, Sprinkler line repair, Sprinkler valve repair, Drip irrigation repair, Irrigation controller repair, reprogramming or replacement, Sprinkler head alignments/adjustments. While on place, we provide a free sprinkler system examination that will leave you with System effectiveness achieve. Our highly trained teams members will look at every sprinkler head make use of air to make a diagnosis potential hidden underground sprinkler leaks, test every zone, and evaluate controllers, sensors, and programming for potential water waste. You’ll receive a rating from 1-100 for efficiency, a list of required repairs, a list of possible upgrades and a flat rate quote for doing the work. Call today 972 898 4073 to learn more about Highland Park Sprinkler Repair and installations by our best team.