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I Don't know what else to say to you..
All my words seem to fall short..
all i know is that i miss and love you. and i will show you how much if you give me a chance to.

you mean everything to me and  i want you bcak in my life, to have, hold, and love always and forever,

Wanting you as my wife for all times.
This is a story of my life ….

This is a true story for everyone that says there is no such thing as true love, or that true love doesn’t exists.

DIARY OF THE LOST… By Twizted Efx.

Before reading any further you need to ask yourself 3 simple questions.

1. Have you ever meet someone that changed the way you look at the world?

2… Someone so special that you knew from first site that this person was the one for you?

3… A person that makes the best n yourself shine threw?

Well I have and that person is Melissa.

As I said I did find that person and for everything you are about to read she has made me feel like everything was going to be ok.  And that real love, I mean true honest with all your heart love is something that only comes bye once in a great while. And when you find it you will know what I am talking about.

Going back in the years I have always been a misguided person and always in some form of trouble.

I always hated the world for one reason or another.  And because of that hatred it made me into a monster, a mean dark hearted monster. At a very young age I started getting into trouble, and every time I did it was always worse then the time before.

At the age of 13 I was always getting into fights in school and was always being kicked out of schools.  My father passed away when I was 7 and I was always shifted from one house to another within my family.

At 13 my grandparents couldn’t handle me or my actions. And no one in my family could deal with them either.

At 13 I was placed into foster care and started going completely out of control more then I was before.

I went threw something like 15 foster homes within 6 years. And I was never in one to long.

When I was 16 I found out that I had a sister that lived in upstate NY that was when I decided to run away and go visit her, so I got up and ran away from my foster home to visit my sister.  I managed to stay up there by her for almost 3 months before I was caught and deported back to Sullivan County.

At the age of 17 I really started to get into trouble with the law managed to do everything short of murder that you could think of.

From the age of 17 till the age of 28 I managed to get myself into a great deal of trouble and always making it harder on myself. Back in the day I was out of control and crazy and that was even after having 5 kids and still not wanting to grow up and act like a man. And threw countless relationships that never seemed to last long.

Now with that all being said it now brings me back to those first 3 questions, could you answer them yet?

After being released from jail I went back upstate NY because that is where all my kids are.

One day I ran into an old friend that passed away his name was COWBOY or that is what everyone called him.

He was a young man that was taking photography classes at the local collage A kind and funny person that did his best to make everyone laugh and smile.

The day that I will never forget is the day I ran into Cowboy one fall day while he was out hanging out and goofing off like he did so well.

And the reason I will never forget that day is because that is the first day I say this remarkable woman that captivated my heart and soul from first site.

Cowboy was hanging out that day and taking pictures with his camera, out of the blue he says “bro stay sill I got to get this picture”.  I was wearing my sunglasses and he wanted what he seen in the reflection of them and I couldn’t blame him for one second because what he saw was a woman that would make all the snow in the arctic melt. This was and is the best thing you could have imagined on a pair of eyes. This woman was Tall, skinny, log legs, beautiful smile; eyes that would make your heart skip a beat, and a smile that can take your breath away. On a scale of 1 to 10 this women wouldn’t even be on that scale.

I don’t even know what I was thinking, or even where I got the courage to ask her for her phone number, but I was shocked when she gave it to me. And I tell you that man was I nerves as all hell when I first called her to see if she wanted to spend some time together.

I was sweating bullets when I first went to see her. But I kept telling myself “there’s something about that girl” and so I managed to pull enough courage to go and spend time with her.

And to my surprise we managed to hit it off from the start. And things took off from there. I started staying with her and all I could do was think “Man what I did to deserve this wonderful woman in my life”.

I mean for a man that has done the things I have done to be able to have a woman that is like this woman you need to be asking yourself some serious questions.
Is there really a god?

Are there really angels that watch over our shoulders?

Was it faith or something else that pointed me in this direction?

Because someone like me don’t get people like her in there lives.

Over the next 5 years words can’t even begin to describe how I felt.  Waking up next to her every morning was like having a breath of fresh air going into your lungs for the first time. It was unlike anything you could imagine, or anything I have ever had before. It was more then a rush of anything you can describe. Every day was something new and exciting. A new journey and experience in life.  Nothing was ever dull and she captivated me in so many ways that I never new existed. With her everyday was something new and wonderful.

She was and is the perfect woman. 5 years and every time look at her I still get butterflies in my stomach. She still manages to make my mind spin out of control. She is the light at the end of tunnel on a darkened journey. And she is everything any man could ask for and more.

She’s managed to take hold and tame a monster that was out of control. And tame a beast that was eating out at my soul for many years. I can’t even look at another woman that compare remotely to the kind of person that Melissa is.

Have you ever been in a relationship that makes you feel like nothing words can describe?

In other words she makes me feel like the monster was slayed and put to rest. And without her by my side I would be nothing. She’s the type of woman that you know you want to spend forever with. The type of woman that has your heart, mind, body, and soul in the palm of her hand. And can put a leash on a monster of a man no matter how big that monster thinks it is.

And all you can say and hope for is…

“Stay with me, love me, and never leave me”

I just hope that whoever reads this understands what real love in now, and believe me when you find it you will know what I am talking about , because it is something that comes from deep within your heart and there is no boundaries on what can happen if it is real and true love. But it is something that doesn’t happen all the time, it is one of the things that can’t be explained, because when you find that one person that is right for you and only you, you then will know what I mean when I talk about this woman that managed to take the monster and make him back into a man.

Twizted Efx