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  It seems that everyone, advertising agencies, corporations, and the masses, are constantly seeking "the next cool thing." There are even people called Coolhunters who are hired to find the biggest, newest, and trendiest thing to come out for producers and distributors to get their hands on so that they can force it onto the consuming masses. Because of all the money to be made in discovering what is cool before it actually is, companies are on a constant, frantic search. This search is perpetual due to the fact that once something is accepted as "cool" or "trendy" by the masses, it ceases to be just that. Oftentimes, those on the outskirts of society in obscure countercultures are the ones that originally "discover" and start new trends and fads that are later picked up by the masses and then discarded of again once they become too widespread. Advertising companies and corporation have also succeeded in changing what people considered "cool." In the following academic review, I analyzed and summarized the writings of Craig J. Thompson, TImothy D. Taylor, Peter A. Gloor and Scott M. Cooper, as well as Lieu Thi Pham. The video featured contains short clips where people answer the question: "What makes something cool?" and "What then makes that something become uncool?" Some people provided past example of things that rose to the level of "cool" and then consequently died as the cycle of cool to uncool progressed.