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Hollywood Celebrities Who Quit Social Media

Celebrities with their glittery, glamorous lives are always rocking the news headlines. We never stop being obsessed with them and are more than keen to know each and every slightest detail of our favorites.

Relationships, heartbreaks and disses all make it more attractive, so we keep an eye out for juicy scandals coming our way. Even they seem to very willing to send everything out to the world because that is what keeps them in the hype. But when the celeb fever gets all too much to take in, and they allegedly cross limits, there comes a time when they need to take a break from making everything public and taking a deep breath of normalcy, that is when they choose to withdraw from social media.

So here’s the quick peek on the celebs who quit social media.


1. Iggy Azalea

After she socially dissed Papa John’s and their consumer confidentiality. Then again she was body shamed for posting her vacation photographs in a bathing suit. Then she shortly handed her account to her management. Then you know she basically returned.

See also- Laws of Social Media Marketing

2. Rihanna

Next is Bad girl Riri, we all know her old habit of posting explicit photos of herself. But the”igers” just couldn’t take it in so she deleted her Instagram account for six months.

See also- Social Media Marketing

3. Kanye West

Then we have Kanye West, who is all well known for his public antics, left the Twitter for no particular reason, he basically deleted every tweet there was instead left a single tweet” be back soon”. He made his comeback on the social platform after one whole day.

See also- Social Media Marketing Agency

4. Nicki Minaj

Following some very mean comments about her, she reportedly left Twitter.

See also- Social Media Marketing Companies

5. Miley Cyrus

Initially, she left Twitter because of her then fiancee Liam Hemsworth. As for now she is back with a bang.

See also- Social Media Marketing

6. Zayn Malik

48-hour break that he took from Twitter following hate comments posted by angry fans upon the rumors they heard about him.

See also- Social Media Marketing Strategy

7. Emma Stone

Sticks and stones surely don’t break her bones, but poor Emma has been hacked too many times on Twitter, which forced her to exit the platform.

See also- Social Media Marketing For Businesses

8. Naya Rivera

The former Glee star was offended by the rumors of getting fired from the show because of a clash with Lea Mitchell. All she needed was a short break from the social media to calm the haters.

See also- Social Media Marketing Companies | Social Media Marketing Agency

Source- WittyFeed | Beyond Stories

These Social Media Applications Will Make You A Successful Person

Social accounts today are not just the sources of entertainment today but have taken up the faces of ladders to success. These social accounts aim at providing you with the best of career opportunities and will help you the most.

See also- Content Marketing

1. Quora
Many of us get older but we never leave aside our childishness who just won't stop asking question. From silliest of queries like How to use Google? to trickiest question on Nuclear Science, you can get it all answered on Quora and that too by experts in that particular field. So, if you are ever hungry for answers, just Quora your question.

See also- Benefits of Content Marketing

2. Linkedin
When it comes to making career it may sound rubbish that a social media account could land you in some of the best jobs suited for you but it's very much true. LinkedIn is such a place which is constantly monitored by various companies who are always in search of new talents. Start on LinkedIn, build connections, update your profile regularly and see if are good enough to attract your dream job to you.

See also- Content Marketing Strategy

3. Behance
Skills not flaunted are the skills wasted. If you have skills and have done some work in the past don't be afraid to flaunt it anytime. And to do this, Behance is the platform you need. Create a Behance account and get started with to publish your work. If your work has quality, it'll sure get appreciated around the globe.

See also- Value of Content Marketing

4. Pinterest
You may have all the expertise in a particular skill but unfortunately you lack in that creativeness and all you need is some inspiration to get started, Pinterest is the place you need to be on at the moment. You can view loads of work from people around the globe to get inspired and even you can publish yours too just like Behance.

See also- Content Marketing Mistakes

5. Mashable
You can watch all the news and read all those newspapers but still wont find as much information about latest in the world as much on Mashable. Just create a account on Mashable and start exploring. And just a friendly advice, don't SignUp for Mashable using your Facebook account else your whole News Feed will be full of Mashable content and you'll end up getting irritated.

See also- Content Marketing Trends

6. Letsintern
As a student, all you desire is to get that dream job of yours. Letsintern, with it's slogan "Start Young" helps you get near your dream job. Either looking for an internship or a partime/fulltime job or just to earn your pocket money, Letsintern will help you to try and find the job best suited for you and will even let you to apply for that position too.

See also- Content Marketing Myths

7. Feedly
Feedly is very useful social media website which divides each story in different categories and you can browse your most liked stories randomly.

See also- Content Marketing Companies

Source- WittyFeed | Beyond Stories


Interesting Websites That Can Instantly Lift Your Mood

We are so much engrossed with our routine tasks and personal life that things often seem to be filled with monotony and feel a bit gloomy. After all the crisis, wars and other current issues, it appears that nothing looks right whatsoever is happening around in this world. Just relax and chill out!

Here, I've compiled addictive websites that will calm you down. Have a look at them!

1. Rich Kids Of Instagram, one of the coolest websites!
Cool And Interesting Websitesvia
Being raised in a middle-class family, I often wonder how do kids of rich and elite class people live their life? Unlike us, who are close-fisted, they live a lavish life. With the mentioned Instagram's handle name, you can now jump into their lives and see how these spendthrift youngsters splurge their parent's money.

Read also: Benefits of Social Media Marketing

2. Solve the Riddle!
This is one of the most interesting and addictive websites that will help in killing your time. It has got amazing puzzles which will spin your head. You just need to be sharp-witted to solve the riddles and puzzles. The website has got multiple levels that will keep you engaged. So, go and turn on your thinking cap.

Read also: Marketing Strategy Tactics

3. Madeon Adventure Machine
Here is a cool website for all the music lovers. Just in a few clicks, this fantastic site creates pleasing Electronic Beat tracks. It is the part of 21-year-old Electronic Music Producer from France. It is a must visit website.

Read also: 80 20 Rule Marketing

4. Honest Slogans
As the name suggests, this popular website is the compilation of hundreds of brands and their slogans re-designed. These brands prepare their own strategies to promote their slogans. Just visit this website and get yourself charged.

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5. Sneeze the Dragon
One of the most interesting websites to kill time. Just click the dragons to make them sneeze out the fire as many times as you want. This awesome website depicts the combination Javascript and Ruby on Rails through a dragon.

Read also: Native Marketing

6. A Soft Murmur
Can't work in a crowded place? Don't worry, just don your headsets and visit this cool website and select the kind of sound. You can even choose intensity after choosing the music from rain, wind, birds and other pleasant and soothing music.

Read also: Native Marketing Definition

7. Experience Mount Everest
It is one of my favourite websites. Climbing Mt. Everest is the dream for many people. This website will make your dream come true! Yes, really! It will make you experience 3D virtual trip over the heights of this giant mountain peak .

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8. Time's Timelapse
I often wonder how human evolution has changed over time. This useful website gives you access to the pictures that have been captured from the satellite that will give you a clear view of how the time has changed over three decades.

Read also: Content Marketing Trends

9. Project Alexandria
If you are a Bibliophilist, this website is for you. If you are still not able to figure, this website is for all te book lovers and book worms. Just enter the book title or name of the author, you'll get the five recommendations based on books identical to it.

Read also: Benefits of Social Media

10. World CAM
World CAM is one of the best websites which lets you search geo-tagged pictures of Instagram. Just enter the location, you'll get all the recent photos clicked near the mentioned address. Isn't it cool? It's a must visit being an interesting website.

Story By: WittyFeed | Beyond Stories