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This website is centered on learning as well as the university journey. I'll throw out tips to get better grades, stay more tightly focused and be happier in life!

Tip 1: Eat Healthy as a Horse

So that you can pass your courses like a true university hero you are going to require a lot of one's. The ultimate way to have good energy is by maintaining a healthy diet. Avoid sugar, alcohol, and greasy foods. Instead you should eat veggies like carrots and tomatoes. If you are within a strict budget try buying frozen veggies. Oatmeal can be a hearty and inexpensive addition.

One semester I ate oatmeal everyday plus it saved me a lot of money. Obviously, it also provided alot of energy for studying. More oatmeal details.

Tip 2: Note down your objectives

Each day try to put in writing your primary goal for university and life normally. The goal of this exercises are to help keep the long-term constantly behind the mind. So you'll think carefully next time you take into account watching a chapter of Doctor Who as an alternative to review organic chem flashcards.

Tip 3: Get homework help
You can find a tutor at school to get help with your courses and homework.  Usually these are free in community college.  If you are going to a bigger university you can use sites like chegg or course hero.  These guys really saved my butt in school--you can get answers to your homework in a time crunch.  Its kind of expensive, check out this guide on course-sidekick for tips on how lower the cost of course hero.

Tip 4: Don't overdate

Dating is growing rapidly fun, REALLY fun. So fun that it can learn to eat up your time. Dating generally is a very short-run reward. Which team you dated in college isn't just going that may help you 5 years from now, safer to just concentrate on working hard and hook up occassionaly.