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Homeschooling An Autistic Child

Tips toHomeschooling An Autistic Child

Links to Helpful Sites

LakeShore Learning
Free Handwriting Worksheets
Homeschool Blog

My son is low-functioning austistic. Homeschooling has been a challenge for both of us. With only my husband working, money is tight. I use things around the house to teach my son whenever possible. I spend money on basic crafts supplies and school supplies. It is important to remember that each autistic child is different. Knowing your child's strengths and weaknesses is the most important part of homeschooling your child. To be successful in teaching your child at home, you need to design a program yourself. Think outside the box, pulling in different resources and using them for the benefit of your child. My son's favorite sensory activity is washing dishes. Although he doesn't actually do anything except play in the water, he let's me do hand over hand to wash the dishes. The activity he hates the most is playing in the sand. We use a small moonsand kit at the table. I put pennies in it for him to pick out. He hates getting the sand on his fingers. After working at it for a couple of minutes, I can get him to work his fingers through the sand. Of course, as soon as he has a penny, he has to wipe his hands off on his shirt. I will update this site as often as possible giving advice and tips that I hope will help you with your child. If you need some specific info., please contact me through my e-mail
