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Introduction to Magic

What is Magic?
Aleister Crowley defined Magic as the art or science of combining events with the intent of the necromancer. According to this definition, the necromancer is constantly seeking to realize his/her Higher, Divine Self. Once he/she has found it, he/she becomes a divine incarnation and thus gains the right and the power to change the universe according to his/her intent. Dion Fortune defines Magic as the art of changing ones own consciousness at will.

For me, Magic is the energy which gives life to the cosmos. As a necromancer, a sorcerer may use these energies for his/her own purposes but must be responsible with their application.

True Magic is a harmonic co-existence with the cosmos. It does not necessarily need elaborate rituals with impressive ‘fireworks’.


The Elements of Magic
Necromancers often use the magical elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air. These cannot be found on the periodic table of elements because the nature of their effect is spiritual, not chemical. Their symbolic significance is as follows:

Earth is solid, dark, fertile, rich, and sloooow.

Water is deep, emotional, visionary, and suggestible.

Fire is dramatic, creative, powerful, and sometimes destructive.

Air is visionary, intellectual, quick, and often short-lived.


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