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Hair Transplant is a blessing for those of us who have to endure with baldness each and every day in our life. Those who have healthy and luxurious hair may never be able to understand the kind of mental impact that loss of hair and the resulting baldness can have on a person. Lots of people don’t want to talk about it but the truth is, baldness is just not good for the mental makeup of a person. In a world where appearance is as important as everything else, baldness can be a huge negative influence.


Every procedure costs money and the same applies to hair transplant. Hair transplant is not exactly a mandatory surgery so in most cases your medical insurance is not going to cover this. In fact, no medical insurance will ever help you get a hair transplant surgery because it is an elective surgery and not otherwise. The cost depends on a lot of factors. The amount of healthy hair that is still present on your head. The amount of baldness that needs to be covered is also a contribution factor.

All of this has to be discussed with a doctor, because you need to know if this procedure will be possible with the budget that you have put aside to get beautiful hair.

Attitude Towards Surgery

A factor of cost in the hair transplant procedure that we did not mention earlier is the technique you are going to choose. The two main methods that you will eventually learn about in hair transplant is the FUE method and the strip method.

One of these two methods is an invasive surgery. Invasive means an actual surgery will be performed on your scalp while you are under the influence of a general anesthetic. There are a lot of people out there who simply do not want to go through any surgeries if they have a choice. If you are one of such individuals, this method automatically becomes unavailable to you. However, for those for whom this surgery is not a problem, then this is the type of surgery that will probably cost a lot less than the other method.

There are two ways of going through FUE. The manual method is a lengthy procedure and takes a lot of time and hence is insanely expensive. The automation method, while still being expensive, takes very little time.

At, you can have all your doubts cleared with respect to hair transplant procedures.