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Soundcloud is a free online social media streaming app, where you can upload your songs, podcasts or voice notes and share them with your friends and the Soundcloud community. Soundcloud is a great app if you are a musician or a DJ. If not, then you can just follow your favourite musicians, listen to their uploads, and like, share and comment on them. In short, Soundcloud is a social media hub for musicians and DJs, where common people like you and me can join in, too. Click here to explore more.

You can sign in using your Soundcloud username and password, or you can login via social networking sites such as Facebook and Google+. Once signed in, you can browse for various artists, songs, and podcasts, or upload your own song, podcast or voice note. As mentioned earlier, Soundcloud is like a social media hub; so apart from just sharing your content with your friends and the whole Soundcloud community, you can also follow your friends and your favourite artists, and like, repost and share their content as well. You can also comment on their content, to provide them feedback or to just praise them for their creation.

You can browse for songs or podcasts across dozens of genres and categories. You can either search for a specific song or a podcast by using the search button provided at the top, or you can explore the various genres and categories in the explore section. If you want to just listen to music or a podcast in general, head over to the stream section, where it displays a list of all the latest and the most popular uploads on Soundcloud.

Streaming a track or a podcast on Soundcloud is easy. Just tap on the track or podcast thet you want to play, and the now playing interface comes up, with the title, artist name, likes, reposts and all that informaton at the top, and buttons for liking, reposting, adding the track or podcast to your playlist, and sharing below it. There is a huge album art covering the lower half of the interface, and at the bottom of the album art there are buttons for media controls and a comment button, which can be used to view and add comments.

When you are listening to a song or a podcast, you can like, repost, add it to your playlist, comment and share the song, buttons for whom are provided in the now playing interface. Liking a song adds the song to your list of likes, where you can listen to the song later, or if you want to listen to the song again afterwards. You can also add the song to your playlists, so you do not have to fumble through your long list of likes for a particular song. You can comment on the song, or just view what other members of the Soundcloud community have commented. 

Recording something on Souncloud is also easy. Open the record interface from the sub menu, and hit 'rec' button, which is at the centre of the interface. After you have finished recording, you can apply filters such as fade in and fade out, and cut the recording to remove the unnecessary parts as well. Once done, tap on next, which opens another window where you can add an image, the title, the location and description about the recording. You can then share it on Soundcloud, as well as share it on social networking sites directly from here.

Soundcloud is an amazing app where you can share your content, and follow others and listen to theirs as well. If you are not a musician or a DJ, you can simply follow your favourites, listen to their uploads and share and comment on their songs and podcasts.


App stores would be getting crowded with apps; this is how designers will attract attention

These days there are lots of apps as opposed to last 5 years. In future, the number of people owning devices such as smartphones, tablet computers and even smartwatches will multiply. This could result into a huge demand for better apps in the app ecosystems and boost in the opportunities for app programmers. Thus, it becomes crucial for app designers to know what they have to do in order to stand out in the future. Click here for more info.

In the latest report from BI Intelligence, we get in depth understanding about the various app stores' ecosystems to analyze the current difficulty in navigating them, next study the best techniques for ensuring your app receives a good rank, and detail the essential considerations for an app user which should influence how developers smartly position their apps. These considerations take into account app pricing, app promotion, and app store optimization - which could affect whether an app remains prominent in the app store.

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Below are the facts taken out from the report, and they describe what programmers should be doing to get ready themselves for the future:

•    Have knowledge of App User: What is vitally important to know is the user’s approach to the app market, the attributes of app that get his interest, and how customers utilize these apps. Compuware surveyed almost 85% cell phone owners around the globe. According to them, cell phone owners utilize mobile apps since they are hassle-free, efficient and user friendly. With the passage of time, more customers are using apps; nevertheless, it is getting extremely hard to tackle the already popular apps. An app that appears stunning and obtained a couple of reviews in the press doesn’t suggest it would be successful as well. Now app advertising and marketing is also crucial for the success of an app.

•     App Price: The consumer’s marketplace demand as well as engagement of an app in the app store has direct impact on the cost of that app. What a developer must always keep in mind is that impressive visibility, continuing popularity as well as regular user engagement is based on the price. An app analytics organization called Distimo analyzed the price change effects on 400 popular apps which are used on iPhone and iPad all over the world. 1665% increase in the download volume of apps was noted in the Apple App Store after the prices of apps were cut down on experimental basis for five days. 871% growth of download volume was noted for the iPad apps. Free and freemium apps were the largest source of earnings as they were downloaded the most. In-app purchases of free apps consisted 71% of iPhone App store’s income in February 2013.