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Robbie The Three Wheeler


Robbie woke up early he couldn't sleep.
He opened his garage door, and emerged from his dark garage into the morning sun.
Robbie felt sad he constantly felt that something was missing, and it was,sort of.
You see he was a car well a van really because there were no windows in the sides at the back.
But there again in being a car or van he had an item missing, yes missing, a wheel in fact.
Unlike most cars and vans that all had four wheels, one on each corner Robbie only had three.
Yes just three wheels, but so what?, he could drive in a straight line and even go round corners
like other cars so maybe things were not so bad after all.
He glanced at his fuel guage and it was low so he decided to take a slow drive to the petrol station.
He started his engine which started first time,that pleased him and he set off down the road.
Along the way he passed the other cars and vans on the road happily going on there way, taking children to school delivering there goods to shops and supermarkets and factories.
There were so many different ones, big flashy cars ,tiny ones too, and big vans and lorries,and taxis but they all had four or more wheels it just wasn't fair.
Robbie arrived at the petrol station,
'Hello Robbie'
'Hello Harry, fill me up please'
'Whats up Robbie, you look sad'
'Oh just the usual, never mind'...said Robbie.
'You are looking a bit grubby if I may say so' said Harry
'Yes I know, I am off to the carwash next,thanks'
'O.K. have a nice day'
'I'll try, see you later'...said Robbie.
Robbie pulled out carefully and headed on down the road,
The usual flow of four wheelers passed by and some overtook him on the way,
Then all of a sudden over the hill coming the other way a small bright yellow car emerged,
This was no ordinary yellow car there was something different about it but what?,
Wow thought Robbie its only got three wheels!, just like me,
Robbie got to a safe point and did a 'U' turn in the road,
He drove as fast as he could to catch the yellow car, flashing his lights and tooting his horn as he went,
'Hey slow down stop!, I want to talk to you'
The yellow car slowed down and pulled over. Robbie pulled up along side.
'Hello yellow car my names Robbie whats yours?'
'I am Sally'
'Hello Sally, you look lovely but you are like me you only have three wheels, are you sad to?'
'Not at all, you see we may only have three wheels but we are much lighter and much more economical on fuel than our four wheel friends. So we are much better for the environment and the world around us'
'Yes you are right Sally, I feel much happier now, would you like to come to the carwash with me?' said Robbie.
'O.K. why not' said Sally.
They drove off to the carwash together and had a lovely day.


email: info@robbiethethreewheeler.com

Copyright Brian Stageman 2007 ©