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Heat exchanger cleaning is a very important aspect of routine maintenance in any manufacturing or processing industry. There can be an accumulation of debris and fouling can increase that can reduce the exchanger efficiency and subsequent failure of equipment and processes. It can cause loss of huge amount and selection of good heat exchanger cleaning services can help you to implement correct cleaning techniques for your heat exchangers. Here you can find a few tips for cleaning the heat exchangers that can improve the efficiency of heat exchange.

Ultra-high pressure jetting:

 It can be one of the first choices for cleaning your heat exchanger as it is effective and also environmentally friendly. Using only water and nothing else, it is possible to remove the debris and scale successfully from heat exchangers. Though chemical is very popular and effective for heat exchanger cleaning, using wrong chemicals and inappropriate tools can damage the heat exchangers severely.

Keep cleaning of heat exchangers on schedule:

It should be ensured that the routine maintenance of the heat exchangers is always performed on time. Cleaning the heat exchangers as per a schedule can prevent the excessive deposition of debris and fouling can be restricted to an acceptable level. The heat exchangers can be kept in fully operational mode when regular inspection and timely cleaning is carried out. 

Cleaning heat exchangers in-situ:

The latest advancement in heat exchanger cleaning has seen the robotic heat exchanger cleaning technique that makes it possible cleaning heat exchangers without dismantling. It can be a wonderful solution to cleaning heat exchangers without increasing the plant downtime. Chemical cleaning in situ is possible and can be carried out during plant start-up or just before the plant shutdown that can save a lot of money for a company.

Use the right types of tools:

It can be challenging to remove polymer deposits by using hammers, or chisels, etc, and also the quality of cleaning may not be proper. Moreover, if proper tools are not used, there can be severe damage to the equipment and wasted effort by the employees. The thicker the deposition of the polymer becomes, the longer time it takes for cleaning the heat exchangers and routine cleaning and use of proper tools may be the key for effective cleaning.

Opt for the latest cleaning techniques:

There are many industrial heat exchanger cleaning services that stick to standard cleaning techniques of heat exchangers. While standard cleaning technique can be effective, it does not bring the facilities of the new development and make the process more complicated. Always look for advanced cleaning methods employed by better cleaning services of the heat exchangers.