Hello my name is Dale.  I've been told by an old friend to visit this room and I was literally disgusted by most of the chatters. People in this room seem to have lost the plot that chat is supposed to be fun.  It's the most embarassing display of adult behavior I've seen on chat all the years I've been on chat.  It's disappointing to know to most can't trust anyone.  When those that try and make others laugh get  obliterated , where's the fun in that?  Now there are some nice people caught in the crossfire of all the bullshit, not everyone is a drama seeker.  What I saw in  40's Love 11 was


                    A woman that cried rape years ago in an old room, repeating the same story years later and her ex boyfriend calling her names.  Now he shouldn't have called names.  There's such a thing as putting someone on ignore, then you can't see the name calling or blocking a number.  Sharing naked pictures of the man was wrong.  That makes her just as guilty if not worse.  The woman then brought it in the room with her friends.  This wasn't the rooms business, it should have been dealt with either privately or between the 2 in a different room.  Then people that have been friends with him were pummelled.  People have the right to be friends with whomever they choose.  The woman says whomever can be friends with him, but yet she attacks any of his friends.  That's a load of bullshit. But that's just normal for this room.


                 A 40 year male old  threatening to send pizzas to people and get their ips and addresses.  Okay is this person seriously 40??? I thought it was low when this man threatened his bullshit on a woman that WAS nice to everyone and recently had a stroke.  Then he threatened a woman who isn't that innnocent, but she can hold a conversation, not always causing drama, a woman that has a medical condition and doest hurt anyone, another male that just plays music and friendly to most, and a man just because he talks different and has a brain in his head.  The way this putrid little boy talks he doesn't deserve to be on yahoo.  He's violated several terms on the acceptance of terms of contract to make an account.  If people stood up against him and his sidekick girlfriend, they wouldnt be on.


            A posse of losers calling a few sluts, whores and what not because they go in a different room.  Soooooooooooooooo what, they want a different room to hang out in sometimes.  Does that mean each one of those women needs their accounts taken or booted nonstop or called whores?  No it just means these little people need to grow up and the get the fuck over it. 


         Ok this is my favorite.  Hypocrits complaining of drama, but yet they start the drama.  They complain, bitch, and moan about someone in the room, but yet the persons not even there.  Hello, the person is not even there, why on earth talk about it in the room??? Drama starters are totally oblivious to the fact they do any wrong, they just continue to flap their lips and look like idiots.


         People posting addresses, numbers, and background checks on people.  Ok this is chattttttttttt we're talking about.  Why would "I" need to know what so and so did 10 years ago,?  I can see if one person does it when they're going to "meet", but do allllllllllllllllllllll these chatters who will never meet NEED TO KNOW this shit? No, it's chat.  EVERYONE has a right to chat, everyone has a right to talk to whoever they want and WHEREVER they want. 


           Now this can happen in any room but its still childish and stupid.  Not many relationships can survive due to meddling busybodies, rumors and bullshit from the room.  Even if something is hidden, theres always something to break it up, in most cases its a meddling busybodied bitch can't keep her nose out of anyones business.  



         On a final note, people over the years seems to lose the meaning of chat is chat. Not everyone has to like each otherr, but, like the saying, it you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Yes, there's real people typing behind those monitors, that have feelings like anyone else.  Chat is supposed to be fun, with laughter, not ripping others to shreds.