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Ted Loviscek ( a.k.a Ted “X” ) as a performer, has worked/performed at most of the major (& minor) comedy clubs in the Toronto area (Yuk Yuks, The Laugh Resort, Ein-stein’s, & Comedywood).




At Comedywood, he was the first “Open Mike” night host/emcee -- doing the same (as well as organizing & booking) the “Open Mike Comedy Nite” at The Playhouse in Hamilton, Ontario.




His comic talent has also been seen on television, co-starring for three seasons on the popular CBC teen comedy show Switchback (as well as its spin-offs We Don’t Knock and The SportsZone). Both also a contributing writer.




As his character (Ted “X”), he was a semi-regular performer/reporter on cable tv’s Ed’s Night Party. He was a featured guest on Prime television’s Grumps.




You may have also seen him as an serious actor as a murder suspect in the feature film Still Life, as well as in small parts in many major tv series and motion pictures.




On radio, he was first heard on stations across Canada on the syndicated radio program Radio Graffiti with his off off-beat views, reviews & interviews.




He also developed, produced & wrote the syndicated radio program Lasting Impressions (featuring newspaper astrologer Eugenia Last).




Then later to Toronto’s AM640, where he wrote & produced “the Ted“X” files” segments as part of the nightly program Sex, Lives &Audiotape. The segment later moving and evolving to be his own half hour show -- heard world-wide on Virtually Canadian (Canada’s first Internet radio station). His comic views have also been heard as a (non?) expert guest on CFRB 1010 phone-in talk programs.


As well as writing comedy for the morning show at CJEZ FM. 



As a freelance writer/journalist, his work (reviews, people & business profiles, humor pieces) have appeared in many newspapers & national consumer magazines – including the Toronto Star, Graffiti Magazine, Toronto Tonight Magazine, and Downtown Grapevine.




He has also been Editor-at-large/feature writer for the U.S.-based Stripper Magazine (a business magazine for the “Adult Nightclub Entertainment Industry”) and as a contributor to several trade magazines relating to the music industry, video retailing, broadcasting and computers. His work has also been seen on the internet (BACON Magazine, PASSION VILLAGE, The EXAMINER, and



Some of his more dubious credits include being a judge at Yuk Yuks Funniest New Comic in Canada Contest – while himself being one of the national winners of the Turtles Chocolate's Cross Country Talent Contest, and the #1 winner of the Cedar Springs Ontario Yodeling Championship (winning him the prize: a year’s supply of spring water & use of a water cooler).




Other credits for Ted “X” include having written comedy material for FOX TV’s Late Nite with Joan Rivers, writing a dating info-mercial and stand-up material for single comedy-challenged performers.




He was a contributing writer to Life Channel’s comedy cooking program What’s For Dinner? (and it’s spin-off Ken Kostick & Co.) -- as well as a cookbook related to the successful tv series.




As a published playwright, he has co-written Mike Mallet: Private Eye “And it made me mad” (a double-award winner at the Ontario One-Act Play Festival).




He has also taught acting classes in Improv. With other projects, he is also working on a comic screenplay (working title: Bimbos: Life in the Fast Food Lane).


As well a pop-up book about the effects of Viagara.




Ted “X” is always looking for his next new challenge!







>>> meanwhile here's the (boring) resume...



Ted (x) Loviscek -- Freelance Writer



Contact : 416 960-1743








                                                                            Consumer Magazines:


Entertainment writer/reviewer          



-         The Examiner (online)


-         Downtown Grapevine Newspaper                                                         


-         OnSet  Magazine


-         The Key  Magazine


-         Top 40 Focus  Magazine


-         Readers Showcase Magazine


-         Network  Magazine


-         Screenplay  Magazine     


-         Heckler Humour Magazine


-         Mississauga  Magazine


-         Games  Magazine


-         Graffiti Magazine


-         Campus Canada  Magazine


-         KHARD  Magazine


-         Toronto Star  VIDEO  Magazine


-         St. Lawrence Bulletin        


-         Toronto Tonight  Magazine




                                               Trade Magazines:


-         Writer                          Broadcast Tech & Media Productiom  Magazine


-         Editor at Large         The Stripper  Magazine


-         Witer                            Broadcaster Magazine


-         Writer/Music              Video Reviewer  The Record


-         Writer                           Video Trade  Magazine



                                                         Internet Publication:


-         Comedy Writer                    BACON Magazine


-         Feature Writer                    Passion Village


-         Writer                                     TAG magazine


-         Comedy Blog (writer/creator)       (





                                                                     Radio :


-         Various scripts / research – CHOG (AM640 – Toronto


-          Morning show writer – CJEZ FM Toronto


-         Scripts and interviews – Radio Graffiti – CHUM FM






-          Contributing Writer -- Ken Kostick & Company  – Canadian Food Channel


-          Comedy Writer  -- What’s For Dinner  – LIFE Television network


-         Contributing Writer  -- The Late Show with Joan Rivers 


-         Contributing Writer/Performer  -- The Sports Zone  – CBLT TV Toronto


-         Contributing Writer/Performer  -- We Don’t Knock  – CBC TV


-         Contributing Writer/Performer -- Switchback


       (3 seasons) – CBLT TV Toronto


-         Writer  -- That’s Funny  – GLOBAL TV (comedy pilot)


-         Head Writer  -- Party Game  – CHCH TV Hamilton






-         Author/Playwright  --Mike Mallet:  “And It Made Me Mad”  


        Playwrights Canada (publisher)













