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Greetings my fellow young bloods, My name is Racxols. I come to bring the word of the darkness for those who linger among the string of darkness. Or for those who are blinded from the bright light. The road to dawn is the way we all can go. by joining this website everyone would gain a certain amount of EXP the more EXP one gains the more they will gain towards the road to dawn. Walking among this world where statues matters one can become from a a dark side ( far into the darkness) to a twilight thorn (blinded by too much light. wounder where things can get better is by simply walking this road. there will be times where the darkness will be very heavy, the light where one can sustain. But that is the point of what we want to accomplish. So join one and all there is war among us all. Join of seven clan such as Shini who hold power of the death, aquaties the ones who can minipulate water, or even the vilomits the clan of darkness... Fight against or join forces how ever one sees this.