The Otaku Momentum

Otaku Momentum Content



This is a show by adults for adults so please refrain from send us hate mail if you are offended by any content on our site!


Waznotta was surfin' the Youtubes and came across this video that Hideyoshi made. Thanks buddy!!

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This Months Momentum..


What's Going On This Week...

Neokage has just informed me that we are a few steps away to being back up and running. The official plan is that we will be transfering the ".com" so no need to be re-routed or remember a new name or web address. Neokage will be recording a bonus episode to discuss a few things so keep checking back for the episode.

We are really excited about the changes we are making to the site because it will make it easy for all of the hosts to take and active role in the website.

As of now...that's about it...we will keep you posted as to what's going on with the switch.


Update: Some Decisions Have Been Made

As promised we are going to keep everyone posted on the latest. We as a group (along with Roundpeg's help...THANK YOU,) have decided we are going to keep the name of the podcast and the ".com" so the transition is going to be painless for the fans. When you go to theotakumomentum.com, it will just be "different" instead of a dead page.

We are going to work with our hosting provider to try and make it easier to find on I-Tunes. Neokage's biggest concern was that we are no.40 for The Otaku Momentum on I-Tunes and the old shows are ranked to the top which are all dead links. We are all sure you can all see the problem here?

Until the change is permanent, we plan on releasing some bonus episodes to keep the feed open and to keep the listeners informed.

We decided that the hiatus will be about a month so we can transfer the ".com", Midori can learn how to use Wordpress, Neokage can finish the new mascot and Waznotta can work on some networking options.

There will be minor changes...again...to the format. We went a little less...yet again...format wise. This change will help with the addition of Tink on a more permanent basis.

There will be some other changes, but we don't want to reveal everything right yet. We keep coming up with new and fun ideas; making the best out of the forced change. Again, thank you all for your support and hang in there during this time of transition.

Some Not So Fun News

We just got word last night that the network is shutting down. We wanted to let everyone know just in case they are looking for the show on the ADD Network. For the time being, The Otaku Momentum will be off the air until we as a podcast can decide what direction we would like to go. Some things have been discussed about name changes due to issues with I-Tunes not removing old links, but honestly that isn't set in stone.

The site will be up both the ".com" and the ".info" page so if you want to catch some back episodes, have no fear. Tonight Neokage, Midori and Waznotta are getting together to iron out what we think is best for the show.

Feedback will be very much welcome. We are bouncing the idea of a new network so please feel free if you have suggestions. The forum is shutting down as well so if you want to have your voice heard, please email Midori @ midori@theotakumomentum.com and use the chat box on this page as well. Until then, thanks for the support and catch ya later!!!




EP.57 Sexy Saiyuu Island Thunderdome Pokemon Battle Arena

Hello again! In this episode we discuss why Netflix pissed off their customers. How Japanese voice actresses are pissing off each other. And, finally how Black Rock Shooter ended up disappointing and pissing off the crew. That's right! Enjoy our pissy little show! ~Neokage

This podcast contains explicit content | Download | Duration: 00:52:57