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Welcum 2 my site XD


This site has a bunch of random shit on it, like short stories ive writen, mp3s my band has recorded, and a bunch of other shit, so like it or share it thru the bars on the side or sumthin >>>>


here are my ten comandments:

  1. "It's a quote if i just said it, bitch!"
  2. life sucks...if ur a prep asshole, then u can burn in hell...idk y u wuld b reading this but idrc...burn in hell !!! the outcasts culd kick all ur asses anyday...but we have a little thing called VALUES which none of u seem 2 have.
  3. If u piss me off ill hand u and shovel and say pick ur spot.
  4. my band's my number 1 thing ! Like it or get the fuck out !
  5. dont fuck with my friends, my siblings, or me
  6. dont fuckin hate drugies, emo ppls, etc. wth we ever done 2 u ?!?!?!?!?
  7. we are all gna die live life 2 the damn fullest or dont live at all...LETS ROWOCO! (ROCK OUT WITH OUR COCKS OUT...i use that word a lot)
  8. pots a plant not a drug
  10. If you dont like my comandments then go the fuck away...