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A newbie to the Gardening world

My grandmother always had the most wonderful garden I’ve ever seen. I can remember each year getting to pick fresh, homegrown fruits and veggies from her garden to prepare for supper. I have always wanted to try my hand at recreating a garden like grannies for my children, but since granny has passed away I didn’t even know where to turn to find out where to being.

After using an online survey to figure out what I wanted to plant this year, I decided to try and plant a garden! I was really excited about it and I knew it would be a lot of work maintaining it. The first thing I would have to do is going to the store and buys seeds and supplies! So off to the store I was.

Once I returned home I had found a nice spot in my yard that got both sun and shade. I decided to build a little box around the garden and I filled it with nice moist soil. I churned up the soil and tossed it around a bit to make sure it was nice and mixed before I began to add the seeds. I set the seeds packages in the soil where I wanted the seeds to be.

Let the Planting Begin!

Time to plant the seeds! I pushed in the dirt with my index finger and dropped in a few seeds in a straight line behind each seed package. I did this so I would know what was growing there as they grew. I did this with each row of seeds and filled the dirt back in the holes as I went. I ran into a few worms on my way also. It felt really nice to get out of the house and do something for a bit. I was glad I would be maintaining my new garden!

Next I wanted the plants a bit. Not too much, cause I didn’t want to drown them but enough to give them a drink. I read on the back of one of the packages that I will be watering them every other day or as needed for them to get enough to drink and not dry out. I would also be putting leftover, wet coffee grounds around my veggies in the garden because it is a natural way to keep slugs and other garden "pests" out. Plus, it adds beauty to the garden.

Now I wanted to put up a scare crow I had bought at the gardening store. I had high hopes this guy would help keep things from eating my garden all up! My garden was not enormous so I placed the scare crow outside the box, but still close enough that he would ward off any pesky thief’s! After making sure he was stable and not going to be falling over anytime soon I went back to finishing my garden.

Finally, along with daily maintenance and every other day watering them all I had to do was watch my garden grow! I was really excited to see how it turned out, and I looked forward to coming out and taking care of it. It would be really nice to have a reason to get up and get out of the house every day or every other day for that matter. I have high hopes for my garden and I look forward to showing it off to guests, and I truly believe granny would be proud!