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The Extremes Of Acid Reflux Treatment

Heartburn is such an average condition that, once, a certain acid reflux treatment was one of the hottest selling treatments in the world. There are a lot of acid reflux treatments , but most range in the middle of the pack, usually combining antacids and other drugs.

There are acid reflux treatments, of course, at both ends of the spectrum from the mild cases to those who suffer from the most extreme chronic heartburn . To get an idea of the how wide the range of acid reflux treatment actually is, here are some cases from one end to the other.

The Mild Cases

For the lighter cases of acid reflux, the only thing you really need is to make a few lifestyle changes coupled with a bottle of over-the-counter antacids for your most painful times. You can get acid reflux symptoms by eating certain foods that trigger your pain. Spicy foods are notorious for this as well as fatty foods. So the most logical acid reflux treatment in these mild cases is to simply avoid these foods or at least eat them in moderation. Since being overweight can create favorable conditions for acid reflux, watching what you eat is a good idea in the first place.

One other simple lifestyle change that can help as an acid reflux treatment is making sure you do not eat at least two to three hours before you go to bed. The closer you eat to your bedtime, the more likely it is your acid reflux will flare up during the night. In heavier cases, these simple things can make a difference in their acid reflux treatment.

For The Heavier Cases

If your acid reflux recurs frequently, is severe, or is the result of a hiatal hernia, your doctor may suggest the most extreme acid reflux treatment, acid reflux surgery. This procedure involves fixing the hernia and if needed, strengthening the lower esophageal sphincter, which is the valve in the stomach which stops the acid from entering the throat. This sphincter weakens as we age, and the weakened valve causes acid in the stomach to creep up into the esophagus. This is what causes that burning sensation.

Additionally, the stomach is wound around the lower esophagus, which will prevent acid from backing up, but still will easily allow food into the stomach. So, if you are a heartburn sufferer, make certain that you discuss it with your doctor so he or she can find the right acid reflux treatment that is right for you.