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  Hello I'm Pastor Clyde Boone and I want to welcome you  to " THE CAVE II ". We are a different type of ministry and a different kind of church. We are'nt located in a fancy buiding. We are located in a store front. Plain and simple. What is not plain and simple about us is we are hungery for the lost and the broken. We want to love people and to help them. To truly share the good news that JESUS died for them because of HIS great love for them. That He can change their lives and give them purpose.People are dying and going to hell everyday and frankly the body of CHRIST is not doing enough. We want to take Our JESUS to the streets of Bald Knob. To minister one on one. GOD so loves the folks in this town and wants our little city to prosper.
Wants people healed, delievered and restored. Come and see the power of GOD move. If your looking for something real when it comes to church, simple and honest and full of love, we offer that.


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