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Beginning Weight Training For Women

It is essential that we do not underestimate the importance of Weight Training For Women.

Once known as a realm only for bodybuilders and athletes, weight training for women has gathered immense popularity over the last few years. The reason is the growing interest of women and advanced research and studies in this field. Before beginning weight training for women, it is essential to get well familiar with the guidelines and its benefits for women. Read on to know more on the topic.

Weight training workout for women has revealed unlimited benefits for them and should be an important part of any fitness routine. The strength training insures a well-balanced, flexible and optimal body system for any woman. All women should workout with weights on a regular basis as they are seen to derive some great benefits from strength training.

Earlier, women used to rely on a low calorie diet and cardiovascular activity to get the desired change in their physical appearance. But the low calorie diets only slows down the metabolism and over training in aerobics can lead to injury. Women now realize that if they really want to create positive visual changes in their bodies, then beginning weight training is the only way to go. In fact the benefits extend far beyond the visual.

Beginning Weight Training

To start with, consult an experienced trainer or get the guidance of someone who is well qualified with lifting weights to design the right regime for you. Don’t; be anxious about getting massive muscle sizes unless you go overdo things or have an unusually higher testosterone level.

Learn how to lift the weight properly from your expert or you may end up hurting yourself. Here are some guidelines for beginning weight training for women:

•    Do not “spot” train. Go for a variety of exercise rather than just focusing on your abs.

•    Lift weights in three sets consisting of about 10 repetitions. Remember to rest in between each set for about half a minute.

•    Carry out the weight training workout 2 or 3 times a week.

•    Avoid performing on two consecutive days as you need to rest your muscles

Start off with ease and gradually. Too much weight and too early can only harm you. You will only end up de-motivated and discouraged. Once you and your body have all the right techniques down and your muscles are well prepared, then you can decide to move on to onto heavier lifting, but again under the guidance of your fitness experts.

Myths regarding weight training workout in women

Most women avoid beginning weight training as they have some preconceived notions in their mindset. Let us look into these common myths and get to know the truth in them.

Myth #1 -Weight training will make you look masculine

It is not possible for a woman to gain huge muscle mass just by lifting a few weights  as they cannot produce as much testosterone naturally as males do.

Myth #2 - Weight training will increase your chest size.

As women’s breasts are made of fatty tissue, it is not possible for them to add on to their breast size with weight training. There is no way your cup size is going to increase, unless you go for breast implants.

Myth #3 - Weight training makes you inflexible

If you are doing all those exercises the right way with weight training, there is no way you van get stiff. Your flexibility will only increase.

Myth #4 – Stopping weight training will make your muscles turn into fat.

Muscles and fat are two entirely different kinds of tissue. Only bad dietary habits, inactivity can bring all that fat on to your body.

Myth #6 - You can eat anything you want.

This is completely false. Is we are taking in more calories than we are burning, it will show on us.

Myth #7 – For Weight training Women only need to do cardio

If you only did cardio, you will burn your fat and muscle for fuel. To get the muscle building machine going, one needs to lift weights too.