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Vol.1, No.1



5th November 2015






Title                                                                                                      pp



Editorial                                                                                                          04







1.     Tennessee Williams' Dramatis Personae : A Study in Types



               Dr. Dharanidhar Sahu                                                                 06-14



2.     Finding their own voice: Women Writers and Directors of Indian Theatre



               Dr. Mrinal Chatterjee                                                                  15-18   



3.     Delectation of Dramatic Delight-Revisiting Bharata’s Rasa- Theory



               Dr. C.R.Kar & Sanjeet K. Das                                                     19-24



4.     Jagannath Consciousness and the literary interpretation of the Play   Bandiśāḷāre Biśwapati



               Dr. Ganesh Prasad Sahu                                                                 25-30



5.     Application of Prahllad Natak in Development: A Study




       Dr. Pradosh Kumar Rath                                                              31-39




6.     Experiment with Folk Elements: A study in Modern Odia Drama



                   Dr. Alok Baral                                                                            40-47







7.     Crime against Women in India: Can Theatre for Development (TfD) be a Solution?



               Dr. Suman Kumar Kasturi & Prof. P. Bobby Vardhan        49-64



8.     A Study on the impact of  Drama on Moborn Economy



               Dr. Adya Prasad Pandey & Dr. Shailendra Kumar Singh    65-74                                                                                                                     



9.     Social Relevance of Indian Folk Theatre-A study on the concerning issues/character of society portrayed by Indian Folk theatre



         Dr. Neeru Prasad                                                                    75-79



10.                        Mughal Tamasha: Vibrant Folk Theatre of Odisha



               Sony Parhi                                                                               80-88                                             



11.                        Negotiating the patriarchal ideology of the Mahabharata: A study of Bhisham Sahni’s Madhavi and Saoli Mitra’s Five lords yet none a protector



              Dr. Shymasree Basu                                                                 89-100



12.                        Evolution of Street Theatre as a tool of Political Communication



              Sangita De & Priyam Basu Thakur                                          101-115



13.                        Theatre as a Vehicle of Communication



              Arunima Mukherjee                                                                  116-127



14.                        The role of theatre as a communication medium



               Neelesh Pandey                                                                        128-137



15.                         Significance of Folk theatre in Communication for Development in Indian Context



               Naznin Sultana                                                                          138-144



16.                         Woman’s quest for love: A few Tagorian insights in drama



               Kathakali Sen Gupta                                                                   145-148  



17.                        Theatre as a tool for Social Development



               Aniruddha Jena                                                                           149-154 



18.                        Theatre as a Medium of Mass Communication



               Padmaja Priyadarshini                                                          155-160







19.                        Balwant Thakur: A One Man Institution



               Archana Kumari                                                                     162-170




Book  Review




20.                        An account of the People’s Theatre



                Mohammad Amir Pasha                                                         172-175



21.                         The Theory Of The Theatre



                Priyanka Sharma                                                                     176-183



22.                        Contemporary Indian English Drama



                Sanaa Parween                                                                        184-188