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 300x Telescope



The telescope in this project is for personal uses and not to be
taken as a replacement for professional high-power models out there.
Although, it can be compared to some of the other telescopes that
cost $100-$200 dollars, and will yeild you many hours of evening entertainment and star-gazing enjoyment.

As usual, the quality and durance of your new telescope will be
greatly effected by the parts supplied, and the time you take to
put it all together. The telescope in this kit had me spend a total cost of about $19.95. You may want to spend more, and whatever you deside take your time; read everything and figure your budget!

Use these instructions as guidelines to help you make the right
scope for your needs. Some parts listed are not exactly needed,
and can be substituted or left out on whatever you deside.

You can share all this information with anyone you wish and may
even distribute this kit as an entire package, on the terms that,
you do not change or edit any part of it for purposes of monetary
gain or titleship.

If you feel that you can make any part of this project better
for yourself or others, please write to me at the addy below,
and tell me what you learned, and how you best improved it.

And now with all that out of the way...


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