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Welcome to Mr. Sharbo's Webpage

This is where you will discover the world of Greek and Latin influence in English.  Have you ever wondered where the words we use come from?  When I was a student I remember sitting in my economics class wondering why we call it "Economics"?  In truth, there are thousands of English words that use Greek and Latin prefixes and root words.  Many English words are no more than compounding two or more Greek and Latin words to make one word you're familiar with.  An example of a "compounded" word is "firefly" (Fire+Fly=Firefly [F+F=FF]).  As soon as you read the word "firefly" you automatically breakdown "fire" and "fly" to create meaning  of the word "firefly" more completely.  Your cognitive ability to do this is also true with such words as "Geometry" "Biology" and "Trigonometry" if you are able to identify, and decode the meaning of Greek and Latin prefixes and root words as easily as you can identify and decode "football".  

It is a fact and studies have proved that your test scores and reading skills will improve, when you can identify and decode the meaning of Greek and Latin prefixes, and root words found in English.  I hope you enjoy learning the meaning of these words and appreciate the value they can add to your academic success.  If you get really good, you can have fun and invent your own words like "Egocredenyu", which means: 

"I believe in you!"