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This demonic lie is fueling unrest in the Middle East, Russia, Europe and even America where leaders have fallen for the hatred it has generated. It is this hell-inspired hoax that spawned the very birth of anti-Semitism and racism. It’s the belief in this lie that led to the attack of the World Trade Center on 9-11 and much of the terror we see in the world today.

I want to share with you everything I know about the lie that has been perpetrated by the book called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion in a new commentary that I will send you calledThe Protocols Refuted.

This book of lies and untruths has provided the justification for why radical Islam today is driving a worldwide effort to divide the Holy City of Jerusalem and why Christian Holy Sites in Jerusalem will also be targets for control by radical Islam.

This book reveals why there is a concerted plan to take from God’s Chosen People the land that God gave them and give it to the very people who are committed to their destruction.

This book reveals why Land For Peace is a smokescreen, a ploy to cover up what is actually happening: racism and anti-Semitism and Jew hatred aimed at driving God's people out of Isreal and even wiping them out altogether.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion was written as fiction, but millions of people for over a century have been led to believe it is true. The Protocols state that there are 24 Jewish elders that were created to take over the world and the economies of the world. The economic crises that we are experiencing right now is a breeding ground for these ridiculous conspiracy theories.

Benjamin NetanyahuIt's incredible to think that this phony novel called The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion has been embraced as the the textbook of the Jihadist worldwide movement today. But in truth, it's really just a justification to overlook the real root of the problem which is that Israel’s enemies refuse to accept the right of the Jewish people to exist in Israel, or anywhere! Not only do these people, like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, believe in the present destruction of the Jews, they even believe the Holocaust (where 6 million Jews were murdered in the gas chambers of Germany) was a myth and a ploy by Jews to take over the world!

Learn how a a lie perpetrated about the Jewish people has become The Lie That Will Not Die, and has been used to justify great harm against the Jews worldwide. We must stand up against this demonic plan, and urge our President to resist racism and vote NO to the splitting of Israel. God's blessing on our nation is riding on the choices we make right now.