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The Digital Videodrome is a small, independent retailer of obscure and cult movies.  We specialize in horror, experimental, exploitation, foreign, sci-fi, and just plain weird titles, from the great to the good to the so bad it's good to just plain bad, we don't discriminate, so please browse around, you might just find what you've been looking for.

All titles are encoded on Region 0 NTSC DVD-Rs, except for a small portion which are listed as being available only on Region 0 PAL DVD-Rs (although most of these titles have NTSC alternatives available).  Please check your player compatibility before purchasing these titles.  All titles are $13.00 each unless noted otherwise.  Shipping is a flat charge of $4.00.  All DVD-Rs are packaged in slim jewel cases with insert artwork (if available).  Domestic orders only please.  Must be 18 to order.  

Payment methods:  Sorry, but for right now we are only accepting payments via PayPal (although we may accept other methods in the future).  To order simply use the Send Money option to transfer the correct amount (shipping included) to my e-mail address:  In the comments section put "DVD-Rs" - DO NOT LIST TITLES.  Then send me a separate e-mail with your shipping address, age statement (remember must be 18 to order), and a list of the titles you are ordering.  Once I have verified the information, I will start on the order.  

Quality:  All titles are listed with original sources (if known) and pic quality is graded on a scale from 1-5, 5 being excellent and 1 being extremely crappy but watchable.

All titles sold on this site are believed to be out of U.S. copyright and in the public domain.  We don't sell any movies that are in legitimate release within the U.S.  As soon as a title becomes legitimately available it is removed from our inventory. 

Questions?  Feel free to contact us at: