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How to Increase Rapid Testosterone



Surely you have ever heard of testosterone and the importance that it has for the functioning of the male organism. However, the correct dissemination of information on this subject continues to be a pending issue in schools and institutions of all social, cultural and health levels Testofuel review.


Testosterone what is it and what is it for?

Testosterone is a hormone that is generated in testicles and ovaries , so it is present in both men and women. However, being decisive in the development of the tissues involved in the formation of the male sexual and urinary system, it is in this population where there is a greater percentage of concentration of said component.


In addition, it also directly impacts on the gestation of the muscles and bones, promotes the appearance of hair and helps define the typical male features, being most noticeable at puberty and adolescence. With regard to sexual behavior, is responsible for regulating libido, i.e. desire, and, consequently, that is why knowing how to increase testosterone is essential to combat sexual dysfunction.


Testosterone levels

Testosterone is a measurable hormone. For this, every health professional can request an analysis with only a blood sample, which must be extracted in the first hours of the morning while fasting and free of medication. For the result to be considered normal, in men there must be a presence of testosterone between 300 and 1000, while in women the level is 15 to 70.


High testosterone

A wildly high level of testosterone can severely compromise vital organs such as the liver and heart. That is why all men should be checked every year so that everything is kept under control. If not, the symptoms that could be experienced are the following:

  • Emotional instability with a tendency to bad mood
  • Settlement of cardiovascular pathologies
  • Possibility of complications in the prostate and cancer in it
  • Ineffective production of sperm with probability of infertility
  • Overabundance of facial and pubic hair
  • Super sebaceous production



Low testosterone

The production of testosterone goes down over time, which is why it is also called male menopause or andropause . If a person suffers this, he can identify it through the following symptomatology:


  • Absence of sexual desire
  • Sexual impotence
  • Low sperm production
  • Sleep disorders
  • Weakness
  • Loss of muscle and strength in the bones
  • Go up in weight
  • Frustration and dispersion



How to increase testosterone naturally


Fortunately for men, there is a natural way to increase testosterone and thus achieve a better sexual state, enhancing erections and the desire to have sex. Below we suggest five effective and non-invasive methods to achieve it:


LOWER WEIGHT: Actually, it is well known that this factor is essential to treat all types of health complications. Even so, it is clinically proven that overweight patients usually register very low levels of testosterone. Making a healthy diet is the best option.

EXERCISES: Especially cardio and aerobic routines are recommended, since intense physical activity stimulates the segregation of other hormones that work in conjunction with testosterone. It also collaborates with the previous point.

VITAMIN D: It is a hormone whose production is stimulated by sunlight, that is to say that you must expose yourself moderately to its rays to raise its levels. It reinforces the state of sperm and potentiates testosterone, a combination that also raises the desire to have sex.

RELAXATION: Decreasing stress levels are essential for sexual activity to be carried out with more relaxation. In addition, there is an even more important reason is that by stressing the body, the body secretes a hormone called cortisol , which in addition to preventing a nervous breakdown, puts a brake on the effects of testosterone. Then, you should take sessions of massages, yoga or any other activity that serene you.

OILS: Consuming certain types of oils and organic fats is necessary to collaborate with the production of testosterone. For example, it is found in foods such as avocados, walnuts and hazelnuts, olive oil, olives, coconut oil, coconut and egg.

Home remedies to increase testosterone

Home remedies to increase testosterone are based, mainly, on the preparation of easy recipes for cooking in your home. In addition, the ingredients are available almost all year round and in any store. We suggest some very simple:


  • GUACAMOLE: The traditional Mexican pasta par excellence. Try some avocados or avocados, add a little salt, add chopped tomatoes and onions, a little cilantro, the juice of a lemon and that's it.

  • EGG SALAD AND BEET SALAD: The beet (beet) is excellent for male vigor and combined with abundant amount of egg is ideal for everything that has to do with the reproductive system of men.

  • ENERGY YOGURT: You can add cereals without sugar or, even better, crushed nuts, such as hazelnuts, pistachios or those you prefer, to natural yogurt or any fruit smoothie.

Medications and pills to increase testosterone

Always provided by a doctor and a nurse, this type of pharmacological resources must be supervised with great attention.


  • TESTOSTERONE INJECTION: Although it is true that it can have side effects such as allergic reactions and momentary breathing problems, its results are as expected.

  • TESTO-MAX: A simple medication, which comes in the form of pills, helps to gain muscle mass and ignites sexual desire.

  • D-ASPÁRTICO: A component that affects the segregation of hormones in general.

Foods: How to increase testosterone with diet?

For every condition, there is always a diet to follow that is recommended to every patient. To shore up the hormonal environment and be successful in how to increase testosterone, it is best to have a balanced diet in terms of intake of fats, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. To the extent possible, sugar, tobacco and alcohol should be eliminated.


For this, you can consult with a nutritionist (many sexologists are), with a trusted doctor or assemble yourself based on the information we have given you in the previous sections. It is imperative that you include water to eliminate harmful toxins and purify the blood.


Foods that lower testosterone

Some of the ingredients that you usually find in your pantry or in the store windows of supermarkets are highly detrimental to your testosterone production. The three most common are:


  • VEGETABLE OIL: Especially mixtures. Not only are they counterproductive to testosterone, but also to the state of health in general, as they are fats processed in unreliable ways.

  • MINT: Unfortunately, this herb is in almost all teas and drinks with and without alcohol. According to various studies, it can limit up to 50% the production of testosterone in a healthy man.

  • SOYA: And all its derivatives. Not only does it impact on testosterone, but it produces effects similar to those of estrogen, which is mostly a female hormone.

Supplements to increase testosterone

Some supplements to increase testosterone are highly recommended by men who have verified their benefits. They stand out:


  • TestRX: In addition to increasing testosterone, the amount of estrogen decreases. You only have to take four capsules per day after each meal.

  • Testosterone 500: The Company that manufactures it affirms that these capsules are natural and that they are able to increase the mood and grant a higher sexual performance.

  • Terrestrial Tribulus: An herb that, in addition to increasing testosterone, promotes blood circulation and, therefore, the quality of erections.

Tips and precautions

Be careful with some commonly used and over-the-counter medications, as they can be detrimental to the release of testosterone. Namely:


  • FINASTERIDE: Component usually found in products for hair loss.

  • KETOCONAZOLE: Ingredient used in creams to treat fungi.

  • CIPROTERONE, SPIRONOLACTONE AND FLUTAMIDE: Substances incorporated in creams and soaps prescribed for acne.You should delete all of this text and replace it with text of your own. You can modify any text on your page with the Text formatting tools at the top of the page. To add other content, use the Media and Add-ons tabs. If you'd like to change your style template click on Styles. To add or remove pages use the Pages tab.