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Termite Treatment within Phoenix


Finding evidence that there may be termites in your house can be frightening. This is mostly a result of at times exaggerated information from pest control firms. Many people equate the presence of termites with the eminent collapse of their homes. The reality is that an infestation that would be likely to result in such an occurrence would have to have lasted several years. It would also take several years for colonies to multiply to such an extent that they would consume enough wood to bring down a house.

In most cases, homeowners often notice telltale signs of infestation early on and it is only the delay in calling in an inspector that causes the situation to exacerbate.
It is however possible to get rid of termites using green treatments such as organic bait traps. There are some traps in the market that do not make use of toxic chemicals to kill the termites. Instead they laced with pheromones that entice the termites to move from their nest and into the trap. These pheromones offer the same chemical signature as those used by the queen to move her colony to another location.

Once the termites have moved to the trap, you can then dispose of them without allowing chemical trace to seep into the soil.
Keep in mind that this kind of remedy is mostly suited to areas where there is little prevalence of termite infestations. In places like Phoenix, it would not be practical to use this treatment option as termite infestations are a regular occurrence every year after the rainy season. It may however be acceptable if the house has been constructed using materials that are unlikely to be consumed by termites such as concrete and aluminium. If the resulting effect is not likely to be serious then there is no need to call in a phoenix termite control company.