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Teletalk Bornomala 3G Packege Special Tariff Plan, Internet Data Offer

Teletalk bangladesh brings amazing prepaid sim 'Bornomala' for all college and university students. On this packege, get special data offer, special call tariff & many new offers. To know teletalk bornomala connection price 50tk & to know bornomala registration process

Every New Bornomala Connection Bonus:

·         get free 50 minutes teletalk to teletalk video call

·         get free 50 minutes teletalk to teletalk bonus talk-time

·         free 50 MMS to any teletalk number

·         get free 50 SMS (25 on-net & 25 off-net)

·         free 250MB 3G internet data

·         to active 2G, type BO2G & send to 555

·         to start 3G, type BO3G & send to 555

30Tk Recharge Bonus

·         free 30 minutes on-net bonus

·         free 30 SMS (on-net)

·         free 30MB internet data

·         internet speed will be 512Kbps

·         validity for 3 days

·         offer applicable only for teletalk bornomala sim user

Special Call Rates

·         5 paisha/10 second to teletalk number (24 hours)

·         10 paisha/10 second to any local number (24 hours)

·         10 second pulse applicable

Special Video Call

·         5 paisha/10 second to teletalk number (24 hours)

·          10 second pulse applicable

Special SMS Charge

·          30 paisha/sms to teletalk numbers

·          40 paisha/sms to any local number

Special MMS Charge

·         1tk/mms to any teletalk number

Special Internet Offer

·         500MB @ 70Tk

·         get 500MB data only 70 taka

·          to buy this pack type D71 and send to 111

·         validity for 30 days

1GB @ 130Tk

·         get 1GB data only 130 taka

·         to buy this pack type D72 and send to 111

·          validity for 30 days

5GB @ 400Tk

·         get 5GB data only 400 taka

·         to buy this pack type D73 and send to 111

·         validity for 30 days

Data Conditions:

·         to check data type U and send to 111

·          only teletalk bornomala user enjoy this offer

·         data speed will be 512Kbps

Finally. We hope that you have understood about Teletalk Bornomala Internet package Offer. Do you have any question about Teletalk Bornomala Internet package Offer, just visit our website and comment here? We will try to solve your problem very soon. Thank you for staying with us.