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Tenda is one of the most popular and reliable routers out in the market. Many people prefer to use this Tenda router because of its advanced technology and features. It offers a better range of connection and also it has a wide range of bandwidth. Despite all these facilities and features, it has some technical glitches. While you are using a Tenda router, how to set up a Tenda router and how to change your IP address is the most common question.

Setting up a Tenda Router is the most difficult part to accomplish. There are various ways by which you can perform the same. For a technical person, it is easy to set-up the Tenda router. But if you are not a tech-savvy person, then you may face some troubles. So, this article will surely help you to overcome from the how to set up a Tenda router question.

Step By Step Guide To Set-Up Tenda Router

There are many methods to set-up the Tenda router. Here we are going to discuss the best possible way to Set-up the Tenda router. Follow the article carefully and after that, perform the task to set it up perfectly.

Before going to start the set-up procedure, the most important task is to check the internet connection. If there is any problem in the internet connection then it may create some problems in setting up the router. Hence at first, connect your computer or laptop to a modem with the help of an ethernet cable. Then, check the internet connection is correct or not.

When the internet connection checking procedure finishes, you can connect your Tenda router to the modem. Connect the ethernet cable correctly otherwise, you will face problems to set up it.

After that, insert the CD/DVD into your computer and laptop and run the CD/DVD. Then you will see a new window from where you can perform the set-up procedure. Follow the instructions step by step to complete the task.

Otherwise, you can also perform the task with the help of the router IP address. This is the most secure and safest way to set-up any router. Once you check the internet connection and connect the router with the modem. Then open the default web browser in your computer or laptop.

After opening the web browser, type in the search box and hit the Enter button. It will take you to the login page of Tenda router. There you can see two boxes, one is ADMIN and another is PASSWORD.

The default ADMIN and PASSWORD of the Tenda router is "ADMIN". So fill those boxes and click on the "NEXT" option. After that, you can see the "INTERNET CONNECTION SETUP" option. From there you can set up the Tenda router for your system.



After going through the solution methods, you will surely set up the Tenda router smoothly without having any problem. From this article, you can also know how to change your IP. You can solve all your router IP problems by following these steps.