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My Fitbit Broke, Now What??

Broken Band

Buying online is convenient, but there is always that little nagging worry about what to do when something goes wrong.  I recently had this problem when both my daughters had problems with their Fitbits.  On one, the button fell off, and on the other, the band is falling apart.



Broken Button

I decided this would be the perfect opportunity to check out Fitbit’s online customer service.  The bands are still under warranty, so I want to see how easy it is to get my problem resolved. Since they cost around $130.00 each, I am a bit anxious to see how this is handled.


I started today with a visit to   I clicked on Help and then Product help.


Click on Help, then Product Help

This took me to a page where I could select my product which is the Fitbit Charge.


Fitbit Charge



With just a little bit of wandering around, I found what I was looking for under Troubleshooting.  One of the categories is “My tracker is damaged” so I clicked on the link.

Found It Under Troubleshooting


Since my band is still under warrantee, I clicked on Customer Support.

Found Contact Support at the bottom of the page

This took me to a pager where I had three options; Check out info from the Fitbit community, Tweet the question or email.  I opted for email.


Three options for getting information

Here I again through the process of selecting my device as well as platform.  I felt a bit like I was running around in circles because it again showed the options I had just gone through.  After going through this several times, I realized that I just needed to scroll to the bottom of the page and click Email Us.