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The Hardware and Components of Chromebox:

This gadget is quite popular nowadays, and most of that success is based on the experience you get when using it and the fact that the hardware gives you some crazy advantages when you compare it to similar items.

We’ll discuss Chromebox’s specs in this blog post, exploring the device to its fullest.

The Chromebox’s Core:

When we discuss the core of this gadget we have to mention the box itself. It is powered by a CoreTM i7 Processor and supports Ethernet and WiFi 802.11.

As far as the core design lines, they are sleek, professional and “avant garde”, so aesthetics weren’t left on the side.

Chromebox’s Camera:

As far as the camera is concerned, you’ll be looking at a 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD1080p smart camera that drops or augments its quality and resolution by analyzing your available bandwidth and auto-focuses the images to perfection.

Problems that are pretty common like no lighting are also tackled thanks to some automatic corrections.

Voice Input / Speakers:



is multi-directional, in fact it is omni-directional, but it comes with added perks since it has a DPS that positively increases speech quality.

Wideband frequency response levels are used and it has volume, end and mute buttons.

Remote Controlling: The Remote!

This is one of the main advantages of this product – it packs a remote that doesn’t rely on only one or two buttons to operate as it gives you the option to use its QWERTY keyboard.

This makes keyword inserting a breeze.