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Live The Future With Living Home Technology

For over ten years, the home has become an increasingly habitable state in which family and friends can share time together as well as experience the latest in what technology has to offer. Limitations to what the home can do are becoming less and less between energy reduced lighting, room distributing audio and visual, renewed energy-powered air, heat, and solar, Internet access throughout the entire home, outdoors, and with mobile devices, and smart phone and tablet interfaces.

When installing the operating system in which all of the home automation products will source from [A/V Distribution System], a central hub is created where all of the physical technology is kept, usually built to be designed in a compact area hidden from view. All television boxes, music and DVD players, video game consoles, and any other electronics that will be hooked up with the central hub station will be included in this area. The simpler the design is made for the resident, the less trouble they will have with distinguishing one system from another, while still providing a large span of use throughout the entire home.

Amina Technologies specializes in invisible loudspeakers that operate with vibrations similar to instruments rather than normal speakers, which are internally conical-shaped and use a film of material like wood or veneer to tune the output sound. When Amina builds the wall of plaster over their speakers, they make sure that the range is perfected to suit the acoustics of the room to get the maximum amount of sound possible from them without obscuring or obstructing the design of the visual aesthetics planned for the room. Rooms with low ceilings or homes that are period specific will benefit most from built-in speakers.

Bowers & Wilkins and KEF Innovators for Sound are other speaker companies that specialize in cabinetry and custom building for the home theater.

RTI Control Systems creates commands for the entertainment system, the surround audio in the entire home, lighting, CCTV security cameras, and HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) as the basics. They supply options for in-wall, remote control, and wireless controls, flexible for wherever the resident is in the home, including outdoors by a pool or garden.

Clipsal Cbus includes Plant Management, which specifically allows smart phones and tablets to connect with the user and the home system. Apple and Android products can be customized in simple forms to control all the basics, as well as irrigation flow. Schneider Electric is the parent company to Clipsal Cbus.

KNX is software that is licensed with different languages so that various other manufacturers are able to use their equipment and integrate with the whole system. It includes all basics, irrigation, as well as monitoring energy usage, and home monitoring.

Crestron is one of the most established companies to supply interfaces that are most current and user-friendly in the home automation London area. The company is also a certified partner.

Control4 is another company that is an authorized dealer that specializes in the home entertainment system. Timed automation with door locking, blinds opening and shutting, cinema settings with lighting, sound, and image is custom set. Multi-room functions can allow for the user to move from one room to the next and continue the film they are watching with sound dedicated just to that space. To conserve energy, the room the resident left can be turned off with the click of a button, or if motion sensors are installed, the lack of movement will trigger the off-switch.