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African Safaris – An Invitation from Nature

Welcome to the world of African Safaris, a phenomenon that is intended and all set leave an indelible mark on the pleasure centres of your brain. ‘Pleasure’ may not encompass every aspect of your experience – it’s all about thrill, nature, the pastoral feel, the never-ending wilderness, the game, the night tours, the morning walks, the balloons and the camels, and the incredible mountains and craters. You can be pretty sure that’s not all about African Safaris. African Safaris combine the best what the world has to offer in terms of an unadulterated experience, letting you step back from the fast and the furious into the raw clutches of nature. African Safaris are custom made, to enable you draw that extra bit of juice from your well deserved break.

With African Safaris, you get to experience the diversity through so many means, among game parks, natural reserves, mountain peaks and through a host of safaris that would stretch beyond what you could comprehend without actually experiencing it. While on African Safaris, you could witness the amazing range of wild-life parks and intense experiences that would make you refuse getting back to work. You could choose to enjoy your own version of African Safaris, with hot air balloon tours that would take you places for a splendid panoramic view of the magic that you experienced from the ground. If you would rather be stay on your feet, you could range the sprawling wilderness with walking safaris, wandering out of bounds and into the depths of nature. If you want to get up close with animals, you could perhaps choose to ride on camel backs, for an unbeatable touch of the safari experience.

African Safaris in Tanzania would include the Ngorongoro crater found in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, which has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site. African Safaris would never be complete without getting immersed in the numerous National Parks, such as Lake Manyara and Serengeti. The famous Mount Kilimanjaro, with overwhelming presence and imposing heights, is a feast for the senses and something that you would treasure scaling with your feet and your eyes. The Kitulo plateau, Mahale Mountains and Udzungwa Mountains enrich the African Safaris with their sheer natural beauty and charm.

African safaris are or game lovers – the Maasai Mara Game Reserve or the expanse at Nairobi National Park would make you get deeper into the experience and explore lesser known parks of Samburu National Reserve or rhe heights of Mount Longonot National Park, enjoying fresh breeze at altitude. The Haller Park is a complete ecosystem and the animal shelters such as the Giraffe Centre and the Elephant orphanage at Nairobi are what you would treasure for life. Come on and join on – the world awaits you with African Safaris.

Browse african safari wildlife photos, africa safari experiences and get complete selection of adventure tours and safaris in Africa. Luxury Safaris offers exclusive Malaria free Eastern Cape, world renowned Kruger and magnificent Tanzania Safari holidays.