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When working out for taekwondo you can find some equipment you need to have so that you workout effectively.

Taekwondo Uniforms

Before you buy this equipment you should be in an academy or dojo so that you have an instructor that will help you

through the use of the taekwondo equipment. This is the most well liked martial arts that's available and a great number

of people are practicing it. It originated from Korea and it is the national sport of the South Korean's. It helps you develop

your mind, body and soul and it is a sensible way to get into shape.

When you join an academy or Dojang, you will get to learn how to use the different tae kwon do equipment that is

definitely needed for your learning growth. The main objective is striking, particularly with high flying kicks. This

doesn't take much to master this form of martial arts but you should focus and pay attention as well as train every day.

Taekwondo usually means that the way of the foot nevertheless it now suggests the ability of kicking and striking.

Normally the sport is used as means of offense rather than defense however it has also been used as a way of self

defense. Most of the time the foot is what's in play as opposed to the closed fist and that's why some of the tae kwon do

equipment will involve head gear and body gear as well. It's an Olympic sport in which several people enjoy taking part

in and watching.

Having the right gear when you are training or spurring is essential because you do not want to injure

any important organs that can't be replaced. The TaeKwonDo uniforms are required to be loose fitting and usually it

comes in possibly white or black. The uniform all comes together with a belt attached along the waist. The colour of the

belt describes what level you enter.

As you are in constant use of these types of TaeKwonDo uniforms you'll have to learn how to manage it so it doesn't rip

because that is usually what happens. You will notice that the uniform is very heavy initially however you get

accustomed to it and material is very thick, and you will need to get loose fitting to ensure whenever you sweat during

training it generally flows down on to your body. While the TaeKwonDo outfits would possibly appear like the karate

ones, these are completely different because for TaeKwonDo you will find there either black or white. Nevertheless there

are some dojang, which is the name of the schools that teach TaeKwonDo you will find that some wear red uniforms and

others various colors.

The belt is an additional key factor that is connected with the uniform just like karate, the belt is what shows the rank

and the highest is definitely the black belt. The ranks are usually separated into junior and senior, or student and

instructor sections.

The junior consist of 10 ranks which usually include color belts and can be of numerous colors based

on the school. Once you have passed the ten ranks you become a senior and your belt changes. You then need to go

through another nine ranks to become a full fledged black belt. They've got levels such as 3rd or 4th degree black belt

and usually begin from first degree.

A lot of people learn about Taekwondo when they see or hear about it in the Olympics. However, there are two popular

questions that come up once someone is exposed to Taekwondo. Those are, 'Where did it come from' and 'how do I get

started' and this article will cover both those questions.

Taekwondo is a form of martial arts that originated in Korea. It is, in fact, the national sport of South Korea. In the Korean

language, "tae" means foot, "kwon" means fist, and "do" means way. The typical translation of "taekwondo" is "the way of

the fist and foot." Considering the number of people that practice and study taekwondo, it is the most popular of all the

martial arts.

Taekwondo students choose to practice this martial art for a variety of reasons. Some participants enjoy the

fact that taekwondo is a sport and offers training in self-defense, while others study taekwondo as a form of meditation

or physical exercise.

The roots of taekwondo can be traced back about two thousand years ago, but established rules and regulations for this

martial art were not formed until 1957. It is believed that today's taekwondo was begun during the Japanese Occupation

of Korea from 1910 - 1945, particularly the years between 1930 and 1940. Fearing resistance to their occupation of Korea,

the Japanese forbade the practice of martial arts by Koreans. Koreans organized underground martial arts practices,

using many of the martial art techniques they had seen exhibited by the Japanese during the Occupation years, and

developing their own special form of marital art.

Taekwondo was not part of the Olympics' line up of sporting events until the 1988 Seoul, Korea Olympic games. In 1988,

taekwondo was a demonstration sport for the Olympics. Taekwondo was not an official sport of the Olympics until the

2000 Sydney, Australia Olympic games. Not surprisingly, Korea won three of the four gold medals for taekwondo

competition at the Sydney games.

The sportswear manufacturer, Adidas, will be supplying the Chinese Olympic team with taekwondo supplies for the 2008

Beijing, China Olympic games. Adidas has partnered with the 2008 Olympics and will also supply sportswear for the

many Olympic officials, volunteers, and staff. Adidas manufactures a full line of taekwondo supplies, including

taekwondo sparring equipment, protective gear, and uniforms.

Taekwondo Uniforms

Taekwondo uniforms are V-necked, long-sleeved uniforms, usually made from a cotton and polyester blend fabric.

Sparring equipment for taekwondo includes vinyl-covered padded head gear, gloves, and shin guards. A popular

taekwondo protective gear is the body protector, a padded body shield for the chest, abdomen, and shoulder area. It is

important to remember that all taekwondo equipment should fit properly and comfortably. Look for the approval of the

World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) on all taekwondo equipment.