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Turkish Angora Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Awareness

A site dedicated to educate and inform the Turkish Angora breeding community of HCM (Feline Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy), a heart muscle disease.

Our goal is to work together with other breeders to help learn, research, and combat this devastating disease.

We highly encourage any persons with an HCM case, research articles, or a special story they wish to share, to EMAIL us. The more we share with each other, the more we can learn!

The heart of animals is the foundation of their
life, the sovereign of everything within them, the sun
of their microcosm, that upon all which all growth
depends, from which all power proceeds.

William Harvey, 1628

**NEW** Donate to the Winn Foundation TA HCM fund

Be sure to select "Turkish Angora HCM" on the donation page, once you select the amount you wish to donate.

What is HCM?

How do I screen for HCM?

How do I find a veterinary cardiologist?

One TA Breeder's Experience with HCM

TA Screening Database

News, Links, & Email **News Update Posted**

Dedicated to Zamaray's Sacred Heart

© 2001 TACAORG

Site designed & created by Tracy Goglio

Comments or questions about our Web site? E-mail the Webmaster

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