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Meaningful Topics I Learned in CISB11


            It is hard to narrow it down to only four topics that I have learned that will be useful to me in the future. I know that one of the first things that we talked about, in regards to the Microsoft word and excel, were both extremely useful and not only will they be useful in the future, but I am also using the things I learned right now. I also liked learning about security. I knew that computers are constantly at risk, but it was good to learn about ways to protect them. I enjoyed learning about multimedia and the web. I am obviously somewhat familiar with the web, but I feel like I now have a better understanding of it. Last of all I learned to not be afraid of computers. I feel confident that I will be able to at least attempt to figure out how a program works, or explore the capability of not only Word and Excel, but also any other programs I come in o contact with.

            After you taught us how to do a special paste from an excel document to a word document I had to come home and show off a bit to my wife. I also called my sister who is trying to start her own little business and walked her through how to do that. Since then she has called me about a dozen times telling me how cool it is to be able to change one document and have the changes show up on another one. She says that she has also been inspired to try and figure out what other capabilities the Microsoft programs have to offer.

            One thing I have changed when it comes to surfing the web, is I have put some of the web pages that I visit regularly that relay sensitive information, such as my online banking and other websites, in my favorites. I am now more aware of what I type in the URL. I also liked some of the discussions that we had in regards to security. I liked trying to come up with a better idea for staying protected. I still think that biometric is the best and most safe route to take.

            I enjoyed the assignment for chapter 10 that you gave to us. I liked going through some of the web pages that I visit daily, looking for various types of multimedia; and after making a very very very simple website, I now have a greater appreciation for web site designers. I would love to take a class that teaches to how to design your own website, I think that would be very beneficial and after taking your class I have more desire to do so.  I have always had an interest in business, so it was fun to look at what is being portrayed on the websites I visited for the assignment to see who the target market is.

            I must admit that what I enjoyed most about this class is that the teacher tried to show us how this class will actually be applicable to what we do in our careers and for the rest of our lives. I liked that the teacher wasn’t opposed to taking a few minutes out of class and talk about things that the students were interested in, or had questions on, even if it didn’t relate directly to the topic of the day. I learned some very valuable life lessons. I have tried to live each day so that if I was to die tomorrow I would be okay with that, I would have no regrets.





 Chapter 2 - CPU


Chapter 3 - storage


Chapter 5 - Linux


Chapter 10 - multimedia

