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Hello!!! This is the first official post on this totally awesome website! My name is Ray and my sister Gurl is around here somewhere too... JK! Those aren't our real names! But for the sake of the interwebs, those are our names.

Gurl: Yeah my name sadly isn't really Gurl

Anyways, we'd like to welcome you to our wonderful word of stupid opinions and crazy... Other stuff... 

This website will give you the full experience of what it's like to be a Pokemon fangirl, and it's dedicated to those guys on Ifunny that say  "If I met a girl who liked  Pokemon I would marry her, but there's no such thing so...". 

So take a look at our other pages and check back soon for new updates!!!! 

p.s we're having technical difficulties with changing fonts so please bear with our non-colorful text on most pages